In Malaysia, I. cylindrica is most noticeable as luxuriant stands of yellowish-green grass growing along roadsides and usually in full sun. Impacts . General Information   If prevention is no longer possible, it is best to treat the weed infestations when they are small to prevent them from establishing (early detection and rapid response). Comment about this page? Mechanical Bermuda grass is also the most common grass … And of course, where there is any cogon grass, there will soon be an infestation. The leaf margins are finely toothed, and the upper leaf surface is typically hairy near the base. Paper. ICRAF (1999). further treatments may be needed to kill the rhizomatous root mat. Not listed as a noxious weed by the state or governments in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The best form of invasive species management is prevention. Several distinctive features aid in the identification of cogongrass. Beauv) is commonly known as Cogon Grass and used in Ayurveda for the treatment of various u rinary disorders. Life cycle: Cogongrass is a perennial grass in southern climates but becomes an annual in colder northern areas. Lyons, E.E. Agnes Lusweti, National Museums of Kenya; Emily Wabuyele, National Museums of Kenya, Paul Ssegawa, Makerere University; John Mauremootoo, BioNET-INTERNATIONAL Secretariat - UK. obs.) I. cylindrica has been nominated as among 100 of the "World's Worst" invaders by the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group and It is on the Federal Noxious Weeds List in the USA. Imperata cylindrica is invasive in parts of Kenya and Tanzania (A.B.R. [PDF file]. Imperata Cogongrass: Cogon Grass: Satintail: Blood Grass: Also sold as: Red Baron: General Plant Information ; Plant Habit: Grass/Grass-like: Life cycle: Perennial: Sun Requirements: Full Sun to Partial Shade: Water Preferences: Mesic Dry Mesic Dry: Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 5a -28.9 °C (-20 °F) to … The plant belon gs to t he family Poaceae. Disclaimer | Xyleborus glabratus was first detected in 2002 and is one of the 10 ambrosia beetle species in t… Bright green grass has silver hairs down the center of its short bamboo-like blade; grows up to 2 ft. tall. Retrieved from, Salt Lake County Health Department Retrieved from, Miller, J. Typically, ambrosia beetles are considered beneficial because they accelerate the decay of dead trees, which is important for nutrient cycling in healthy forests. Cogongrass can easily choke out many native plant species if given the opportunity. Cogon grass is a C 4 grass found mainly in tropical and subtropical areas with 75 to 500 cm of annual rainfall (Bryson, 1999). Life Cycle: Perennial Recommended Propagation Strategy: Seed Country Or Region Of Origin: Africa, Europe, Asia Dimensions: Height: 2 ft. 0 in. Privacy Statement |. Imperata cylindrica is a weed of 35 crops worldwide with most crops in the humid tropics affected. Cogon grass is a perennial, rhizomatous grass that is somewhat variable in appearance (Ladion, 2000). Deep plowing may be effective in the removal of cogongrass if the plow reaches up to 6 i… Life Cycles of Rice Field Weeds and their Management in Malaysia. Roots are up to 1.2 m deep, but 0.4 m is typical in sandy soil. I’m going to weigh in on this because I have a lot of experience with goats and cogon grass. Cogon grass, cotton wool grass, silver spike, sword grass, ialang, lusanke (Luganda), mtimbi (Kiswahili), ol'ungu (Maasai) biodiversity. In spring or summer, the plants produce fluffy white seed heads. Cogon grass reproduces asexually by rhizomes and sexually by seeds (Hubbard et al., 1944). Witt pers. The flowers and the roots are antibacterial, diuretic, febrifuge, sialagogue, styptic and tonic.. Dickens, R. and Moore, G.M. Although it does not tolerate cool temperatures, it … Control is generally best applied to the least infested areas before dense infestations are tackled. CABI Publishing 2011. Imperata cylindrica (satintail). Research has shown that burning cogongrass followed by a 4 to 6 week regrowth period enhances control with both glyphosate and imazapyr. They are produced during early to mid-June. There are Johnsongrass Life Cycle Identifying Johnsongrass is the first step in controlling the weed. IRRI/NRI (1996) have produced a guide to the management of I. cylindrica by smallholder farmers in South-East Asia and a volume on grassland rehabilitation using agroforestry and assisted natural regeneration has been produced by ICRAF (1999). I. brasiliensis differs from I. cylindrica in terms of the number of stamens per flower; I. brasiliensis has one stamen whereas I. cylindrica has two. Need more information? The leaves are typically light green with a thin, white stripe, but can turn reddish-brown after a frost or freeze. The Feasibility of Cogon Grass (Imperata Cylindrica) as an Economical and Environment Friendly substitute for Carboard, Food Packaging, for Souvenirs, etc / Source: Angel Ann M. Concepcion Justine Ace York C. Barnardo / Dept of Science and Technology (15) Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) roots as a potent agent in lowering uric acid / Google Doc Species profile: Imperata cylindrica. are effective only on small and Eupatorium odoratum L. Weed Research Project R 2552, 1971-1973. cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Cogongrass can be mowed, grazed, or burned, but it is difficult to control physically because it will propagate from stem fragments or the roots. Tsukuba, Japan: Tropical Agriculture Research Center. Polembang, Indonesia: Indonesian Rubber Research Institute, and Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute. The leaves are about 2 cm wide near the base of the plant and narrow to a sharp point at the top; the margins are finely toothed and are embedded with sharp silica crystals. Flowering typically occurs in spring or after disturbance of the sward (mowing, etc.). Imperata Grassland Rehabilitation using Agroforestry and Assisted Natural Regeneration. Imperata cylindrica is a prolific seed producer with one plant capable of producing up to 3000 seeds. Seeds: Cogongrass produces light, dandelion like seeds that attach to silvery tufts for wind dispersal. We recognise the support from the National Museums of Kenya, Tropical Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI) - Tanzania and Makerere University, Uganda. This weed spreads not only by an aggressive root system, but also by fluffy white seed heads that produce an abundance of wind-blown seed in the early summer. Cogongrass is a perennial, rhizomatous grass commonly sold as an ornamental in nurseries across the country. Cogongrass is a rapidly growing perennial grass that is tolerant of shade, poor soils, high salinity, moisture and drought. Studies on Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Cultivars of cogongrass are sometimes sold under the common name "Japanese blood grass." Cogongrass is an aggressive invasive grass that threatens production forestry and the integrity of Southeastern ecosystems through competitive displacement of native species and altered nitrogen cycles and fire regimes. The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce has assembled a task force of scientists, educators, government officials and agricultural leaders to recommend a comprehensive survey and control program for cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) before the invasive weed overtakes pastures, forestland, wildlife habitats and landscapes in the state. BioNET-EAFRINET Regional Coordinator:, Introduced, naturalised or invasive in East Africa. I’ve found goat do indeed like cogon grass. Non Discrimination | (Imperata cylindrica) invasions in the US: Mechanisms, impacts, and threats to Its erect habit, fluffy white inflorescence and extensive rhizome system makes Imperata cylindrica grass distinct from most other weeds. Consistent follow-up work is required for sustainable management. Although Imperata cylindrica can have leaf blades of up to 1.5 m tall in conditions of good soil moisture and fertility (Holm et al. In natural versions, leaves are light green. and Uganda (Lyons and Miller 1999). Width: 2 ft. 0 in. Imperata cylindrica is a long-lived (perennial)  rhizomatous grass (spread by creeping stems - rhizomes). It also spreads by rhizomes (root-like stems) which can be transported by tilling equipment and in soil transport. - 4 ft. 0 in. The long leaves feature a sharp terminal point and are embedded with silica crystals. In colder climates, it flowers and seeds in early summer before dying off with the first frost. Accessed March 2011. Invasive Species Database. The grass blades tend to be yellow to green in color (Figure 1). (TPCS) composites containing cogon grass fiber (CGF) in the range of 1, 3, and 5 wt.%. In order to completely remove this plant, the rhizomes must be destroyed. Retrieved from View PDF, Texas Invasive Species in Eastern Africa: Proceedings of a Workshop held at ICIPE, July 5-6, 1999. This hardy grass can grow from 2 feet to 10 feet tall, with leaves about 2 cm wide at the base, tapering off to sharp points. The seed head (Figure 3) is fluffy, white, and plume-like. Imperata cylindrica is found in a wide range of habitats including grassland, cultivated annual crops, plantations, abandoned farm land, road and railway embankments, reclaimed mined areas, pine and hardwood forests, recreational areas and deforested areas from sea level to 2700 m and rainfalls of 500-5000 mm/year. Imperata Cylindrica - Poaceae Family - Perennial, Cogongrass: entire plant including root system, Estrada, J. Leaves: Long blade-like leaves grow up in clumps from a central base. It goes by many popular names: wolly grass, blady grass, kura-kura, Bai Mao Gen, cotton wool grass, alang-alang, kunai grass, and—perhaps the one you’re most likely to recognize—cogon grass. However, they aren’t going to clean up an infested field. It burns extremely readily, often causing fires to expand far more than if they were burning natives. IRRI/NRI (1996). Itoh K ed, 1991. Whole Plant Traits: Plant Type: Ornamental Grasses and Sedges Weed Habit/Form: Clumping Erect Spreading Growth Rate: Rapid Maintenance: High; Cultural Conditions: Light: Cogongrass can invade pastures, natural or planted forests, riparian areas, highway rights-of-way, urban areas, and wetlands. Ivens GW, 1975. This document provides a plan for cogongrass management in perennial grass pastures, as well … In the United States, it is naturalized in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississip… southern forests. No cut-mouth issues so far. Invasive Species Institute. The leaves reach 2–6 feet in height. Cogongrass is an aggressive perennial grass that is distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. We have a fact sheet available that can be found here. In southern climates, flowering occurs intermittently year-round. Agronomy Journal 66: 187-188. CABI Invasive Species Compendium online data sheet. ... Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) and Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) are two of the most common. If you prefer a rustic-themed resort then I suggest you stay in Balay Kogon. One Bogor, Indonesia: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, 167 pp. It is very tolerant of soil type and of wide variations in soil fertility, soil moisture and light conditions. Biological Control of Cogongrass: Progress and Perspectives James P. Cuda1, William A. Overholt2, and Purnama Hidayat3 1Entomology & Nematology Dept., Gainesville, FL 2Retired, Biological Control Research & Containment Laboratory, Ft. Pierce, FL 3Bogor Agricultural University, West Java, Indonesia IFAS-FTGA Great CEU Roundup, McCarty GOO1, 25 July 2018 These are dispersed by wind over long distances. Seed heads range from 2 to 8 inches in length a… Cogon grass, cotton wool grass, silver spike, sword grass, ialang, lusanke (Luganda), mtimbi (Kiswahili), ol'ungu (Maasai), Pantropical - almost certainly found in all countries in the humid tropics. Imperata cylindrica has medicinal properties, can be used in construction and as a fibre and as an ornamental. Native to Southeast Asia, cogongrass is an aggressive invasive plant that that has spread to all continents except Antarctica (MacDonald 2004) and is considered among the worst problematic weeds on a global scale (Holm et al. several species of fungi are currently under investigation for possible future Plant Atlas of the MidSouth. It grows from 0.6-3 m tall. The unique two-person accommodations are inspired from traditional Filipino houses using cogon grass as roofing material (Sicogon is derived from the word Cogon, which refers to Imperata cylindrica plant). Cogongrass control methods (pulling, cultivation, etc.) Millions of hectares of farmland are abandoned because of I. cylindrica grass in West and Central Africa each year. Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica). The concentration of sugar varies greatly during the life cycle but is greatest when the cane is flowering, so this is when the harvest typically occurs. Phone: (385) 468-4100, TTY | Imperata Management for Smallholders. Ambrosia beetles are wood-degrading insects which live in nutritional symbiosis with ambrosia fungi. Retrieved from, Invasive In cultivated ornamental versions, leaves are a deep red color. As Imperata cylindrica is so widespread this is unlikely to be possible in many instances. In colder climates, it flowers and seeds in early summer before dying off with the first frost. In cooler climates, mid-May to June. As a seedling, Johnsongrass looks similar to corn, … It is considered to be the worst perennial grass weed of southern and east Asia. Cogongrass. The precise management measures adopted for any plant invasion will depend upon factors such as the terrain, the cost and availability of labour, the severity of the infestation and the presence of other invasive species. Cogon Grass has also infested a large part of Alabama and portions of other southern states. Nonnative invasive plants of & Flory, L. (2015, January). In its ornamental form it poses little threat to native flora, but it can easily become invasive if given the right conditions (excessive shade, water, well-drained soil). Retrieved from, Global Imperata arundinacea Cirollo; Lagurus cylindricusL. Mechanical and chemical control are the main management options for established infestations and at present, there is no scope for biological control with pathogens or predators. Effects of light, temperature, KNO3, and storage on germination of cogon grass. In this study, it refers to the capability of cogon grass to be used as a material for paper making. First, cogongrass infestations usually occur in circular patches. This lawn weed thrives in open areas, often occurring in home lawns, pastures and along roadsides. Today, cogon grass has been found in over 73 countries (MacDonald, 2004). leaf sheath with hairs (Photo: James H. Miller, USDA Forest Service,, plant base and rhizomes (Photo: James H. Miller, USDA Forest Service,, seed heads (whitish plumes) and flower heads (Photo: James H. Miller, USDA Forest Service,, infestation (Photo: James H. Miller, USDA Forest Service,, plants (Photo: Charles T. Bryson, USDA Agricultural Research Service,, flowering (Photo: Nancy Loewenstein, Auburn University, The upper surface is hairy near the base of the plant while the underside is usually hairless. Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Technical Report, Agricultural Research Council Weed Research Organization, No. currently no approved biocontrol agents for Cogongrass in the US, although The redbay ambrosia beetle, Xyleborus glabratus Eichhoff and its fungal symbiont, Raffaelea sp., are new introductions into the southeastern United States. Life Cycle. © Salt Lake County—All rights reserved | Life cycle: Cogongrass is a perennial grass in southern climates but becomes an annual in colder northern areas. For this year, it is a little too late, but is possible if we do not have a frost event. Stands of yellowish-green grass growing along roadsides dense infestations are tackled undertaken as part of and... Cogongrass is a perennial, rhizomatous grass commonly sold as an ornamental nurseries. Because i have a lot of experience with goats and cogon grass. grass made... That also may severely impact both the ecology and livelihood of the MidSouth the rest of the and... 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