Have confidence bump the weight up do less reps. You should do low reps of the largest weight you can. i had a similar problem and i think i'm just now getting past it. If you don't get your nutrition down, all the exercise in the world is not going to give you the results you want. [–]fopdoodle13Powerlifting 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (0 children). Before you begin your workout plan, create your goal with a goal tracker. But that's probably part of it. At your weight and height and you can't possibly be struggling at that level, [–]x-rainy 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children). "Lifting has changed my body in more than one way," says Leah. how much do you sleep? [–]malacovics 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (0 children). It's either you think you are way bigger than you actually are, your form is fucked, or you just aren't pushing yourself. Lifting has allowed me to love my body and be proud of what it can accomplish." [–][deleted] 29 points30 points31 points 5 years ago (0 children). sure. Is any of this due to genetics or body type? The first thing he did was add a TON of weight to the moves — after just two weeks, we went up to 20-25 pounds for many of the moves (deadlifts, arm raises), and … Yeah what does a typical days eating look like for you? i was eating 1500-1700 calories a day when i really needed 2-2.3k calories a day even on a sedentary lifestyle. You don't have to kill yourself to get strong and add size, but you do have to push yourself HARD. [–]NOMMING 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago* (0 children). Stronglifts 5x5 ~ 3 Months. If not I'm going to call this a mental block rather than physical. Drink some water beforehand and have some available during the workout. With those numbers at that weight, you either don't have nearly as much muscle as you think you do, or you can actually lift more and just don't know it. A two to three week break is sufficient to allow the body to recover from a hard and heavy weight training cycle. Do you have an injury that you haven't disclosed? Obviously when the weight is heavy your bar speed will slow down significantly but the intent should always be to put the maximum amount of force into the bar as possible. [–]kom1er 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). You want a controlled eccentric. For example, say you are doing split days during your week with different muscle groups each of the 3 days (back/bi, shoulder/chest/tri, and legs). [–][deleted] 14 points15 points16 points 5 years ago (1 child). How to Measure Weight Training Results. This is what I think too. That's just how it is. I've noticed only minor change in muscle definition and no real weight change. I started at 85lb benchpress, and my current maximum is 115 (and I struggle with 3 sets of that). Right now you should be eating more calories than you burn and be in a caloric surplus. 3 months is really not long enough for a big change. Foods such as oats, nuts, seeds, beans, whole what pasta, tofu and lean meat (or meat replacements) are high in protein and will help build muscle. I have made some really great gains and am achieving the body shape that I'm looking for, which is great, but my actual strength has barely improved at all. Yet you will need to challenge yourself to overcome adaptation. —Leah, @leah.bo.beah [–]OnlytheLonely123 -1 points0 points1 point 5 years ago (0 children). My asthma was extremely hard to deal with due to my weight gain which motivated me further to participate in this challenge. Don't give up! You get fantastic results from low rep, heavy weight lifting not ONLY as a man, but absolutely also as a woman. At 6ft 175 pounds it sounds like some of it may be a mental game too. you are possibly not getting enough sleep, or food. After completing a four month bulking phase, she got down to her lowest weight of 65kg, adding it was the best thing she has ever done. i think you'll start to see progress, i added 10 lb to my bench last week and 10 lb to my squat/deadlift this week. If you are doing 8 or more you are doing too many if you want to increase how much you can lift. Took me ages to get my form down right, and it's still my weakest lift. 3 months is way too soon. [–]DareIzADarksidePowerlifting 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (3 children), If you're lifting with poor form, you will not excel. Correction: You won't improve strenght as much in the 8-12 than in 4-6. "Before, I was 150 pounds of no muscle, and I wasn't happy with my body. Time to lower the weight and get your form in check. What is your starting point (age, height, weight, any other relevant info)? I could see many people just not really knowing what putting their full force into the lift is. While weight lifting provides the stimulus that elicits gains in muscle strength and size, the foods you eat are what fuel those developments. For context, here's a good infographic talking about the differing levels of work it takes to get lean. It's not going to happen over night, [–]DareIzADarksidePowerlifting 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children), I was going off strictly what your post said about squat and DL. Yes. Try focus on non-aesthetic goals like are you feeling healthier, sleeping better, clothes are looser, increasing your weights in your lift, feeling stronger etc. What youre doing would be like playing the tutorial mission on a video game over and over. I did abs every other day, longer cardio sessions and higher reps with weights. The first 3-5 months are the most stubborn though, the body is still getting accustomed to the new regime & doesn't respond as well in terms of changing shape. You can get weightlifting results after one session, and you can gain muscle within a week. Sooner than 2 yrs though. sets of 12 will improve strength, but not as efficiently as sets of (for example) 5. If you are consistent with exercise and nutrition, expect to see decent progress in one year. However, after taking a break from weight training, we all experience a certain level of strength loss after … Not helping him actually lift the bar. [–]kom1er -2 points-1 points0 points 5 years ago (2 children). Also take progress pics every few months, I know its annoying but I personally find it hard to notice differences in my body when I see it everyday. If you think about it, that's really not that much. Dumbbell shoulder press went from 2x20lb to 2x25lb. They would just be compensating for the weight he cant lift. Rest between sets should be about 90 seconds. To be honest, if general strength in these movements is your goal, the eccentric shouldn't be all that slow either. Repeat! 3 months into weightlifting.. Making good gains but barely improved strength. After ditching HIIT to go all-in with lifting, it took almost a year for Kathryn to build up her backside. Heavy enough that you keep good form and would fail if you tried to do 1 or 2 more reps. Barbell: squat, bench, row, squat, deadlift, hip thrust. ya I doubt he started squatting at 95kg or benching at 85kg... [–]fopdoodle13Powerlifting 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (4 children). How much are you worrying about proper form? Are you eating enough? Noticed a change after a couple of weeks, now its been over a month. it may be due to diet. NSuns 4 Day Variant ~ 6 Months and still going. :) I've been doing weight lifting 5 times a week and cardio/LISS 3-4 times a week. A Bodybuilder's Comeback Workout: 3 … what is this 'strict diet' you mention? It feels AWESOME when you deadlift 5 reps of really heavy weight. These things take time, motivation and a lot of dedication but you will get there! If you’re aggressive with your workouts, but don’t consume the right foods, you’ll significantly limit your size and strength gains. Squat: 5x5 @ 15-lb barbells; now at 5x5 @ 85. If you're not sure try tracking what you eat for a few days and see if you're getting enough macronutrients, especially protein! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Do your research and look at youtube. I wouldn't be able to make any progress either if I was that worried about it. I began my 12 week challenge due to the massive weight gain I encountered after I had injured my back (I was diagnosed with a severe curvature of the spine). Age 26, 5'8'', 137 lbs. Funny enough, by the time I noticed results, I had given up on constantly looking for them and I was working out just because I enjoyed it. I changed to doing the SL 5x5 and my strength increases are much more noticeable now and I enjoy lifting a lot more as well. 3 months into weightlifting.. Making good gains but barely improved strength. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: General Posting Guidelines (click for more info): and join one of thousands of communities. 2. OHP: 5x5@35 to 5x3 @ 55. In addition to that you need to make sure that you’re consuming enough calories. It seems like all the girls at my gym have perfect defined lean muscles, even the ones who lift less than I do. I ask because when do squats, bench, or deads, the concentric portion of the lift should be as fast and explosive as you can make it every time. I lost a total of 61.6Ibs during the 12 weeks. I've been weightlifting consistently for 3 months, after an extended period of just doing cardio. [–]Sig_Curtis 19 points20 points21 points 5 years ago (9 children). "This took me a solid year of bulking to build the muscle I currently have. No Threads That Are Answered by the Wiki, Searching Threads, or Google, Posts Must Be Specific to Physical Fitness and Promote Useful Discussion, Progress Posts Must Be Detailed and Useful, No Questions Related to Injury, Pain, or Any Medical Topic. Highly Advanced Weight Lifting Goals. Welcome to r/Fitness! but before that i do "Insanity" its cardio circuit training and it is as suggested, insane! Sleeping more is a bit of a tricky one with my work schedule. I lift 3x per week and run 2-3. 4. Try doing more weight with lower reps. Is also recommend focusing on bigger compound lifts and lift heavy! I just want to get stronger and look more defined/less like a soft blob. 1. See the FAQ/Wiki for details. well i knew a guy who was 200-220 i believe who couldnt even bench a skinny bar (20lbs) 3 times....im not even kidding.. [–]necrosythe 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). Having a spotter will help you move the weight you probably should be pushing. if you aren't getting stronger, not much will change. In this example, you are only working each muscle group once a week. [–]Red_StevensFootball 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–]Dr4gonkillaPowerlifting 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). It's fine if you're not, but remember to cut down on your calories while you are trying focusing on fat loss. Plus OP said she's seeing "minor changes" with more muscle definition - that's not "no change." Obviously the noob gains were strong, I made good progress on SL and Ivysaurs but I really started to enjoy working out so I upped my Frequency to 6 Days a week and possibly made the most asthetic progress on the PPL. Why she switched: I switched because I started seeing and reading a lot more about women doing squats and dead-lifting, and they weren’t huge or extremely bulky, and I became very interested in trying this. Hang out in the 4-6 rep range and you will see a strength change, [–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children). After three sets my shoulders are burning like crazy. My workout included weight training all my body parts, except I didn’t do squats and dead lifts. I know you probably don't want to hear this but progress takes a lot longer than a couple of months. What gives? 135. B L E S S E D Four years separate these two … [–]zeal2132 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). Also I'd look at your nutrition. Well that would make you look like a bodybuilder. imo most likely thing is maybe just mental block. 3-5 or 10-12? These women's before-and-after social media photos show that weight is just a … Rendered by PID 21228 on r2-app-0f62568dd0e31b4c5 at 2020-12-21 02:02:05.404909+00:00 running 406fa40 country code: US. Anyways, get on a beginner program from the FAQ. But, if you leave it until the afternoon or evening before you train, chances are you won’t be able to lift as much weight or do as many reps. How slow? Weight lifters lift and runners run. Can some people put on muscle but not be very strong? You should follow a proper beginner program, not just winging it yourself. Do a few minutes of walking as a warm-up before, and cool-down after, your session. I don't really have any goals. [–]celdridge91190 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (0 children). He has a point here. Do you lift with a spotter? squats, deadlifts). However you will still build strength. Inb4 this guy was using kilos instead of pounds. Post a form check. You can use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your upper arms, your forearms, your upper thighs, and your calves. Your BW to deadlift weight ratio is off and I don't believe that you actually lift that little, I think you're just mistaken about form or adding up the weight or who knows. i made a lot of noob gains and made it to about 75 ohp/115 bench/135 squat/165 deadlift, but i was stuck at these numbers for 1-2 months. That will help motivate you to keep going at the gym. MFP has been amazing with motivation!! Would you mind sharing your current routine? Sometimes lifting is cardio in in of itself, but that added cardio will really get rid of the fat to show the muscle you’ve added on in the past 3 months. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 21228 on r2-app-0f62568dd0e31b4c5 at 2020-12-21 02:02:05.404909+00:00 running 406fa40 country code: US. 3 months is really not long enough for a big change. i am a girl, i've also been lifting for 3 months and my current DL is 155lbs at 5x5. You don't have to lift to failure, but you'll be able to fight for those extra reps because you will know that you can, and you'll be familiar with proper bail techniques. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Of course it's a bit different during my weekends but basically I workout in a fasted state and save my eating until late afternoon. 3. When it comes to fitness, the number on the scale doesn't always equal progress. Lots of people go to the gym 5x a week for years, and never look different-- this is why. 25. Is any of this due to genetics or body type? Also form should be second nature by now, dont worry so much about it and move on. [–][deleted] 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (0 children). Thanks! no. Started with doing 20 min cardio on every workout day and upped it by 10 minutes after each month since january stopping at 60 min, after i reached 60 min each workout which i still do i am trying to push the speed instead, current speed now in december is at 4,6kmh/2,85mph on 10%incline. And weight lifting? I'm often pleasantly surprised when I compare progress pictures. As long as the numbers keep going up, don't sweat it. 5'6. I started lifting weights in my early 20s, fresh out of Army Basic Training and desperate to get stronger after realizing just how weak I was compared to my male counterparts. After doing your big lifts do dumbell work or cable work (tricep civkbacks, biceps, lat raises, calves, hips...), Or... follow some programming where you write down what you do and strive to increase the weight or add a rep each time you repeat a workout (strong lifts, strong curves, PHUL, thinner leaner stronger...). [–]Trapone 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children), Need heavier weight less reps per set. I've been doing strong curves and love it so far :). [–]StuWardMilitary, Powerlifting (Recreational) 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (0 children). the difference between 5 and 12 is not broscience. Add these two together and it wouldn't be hard to see why you wouldn't make very much progress. [–]BBlenkyOlympic Weightlifting 50 points51 points52 points 5 years ago (12 children). I've finally stuck with something for more than 3 weeks during this up and down weight in college. To get the most out of weight training and to avoid an upset stomach, eat one to three hours before exercising. I used to do a high rep program and while I was enjoying the change in my body type, I wasn't making much progress with strength. This due to genetics or body type of a human r2-app-0f62568dd0e31b4c5 at 2020-12-21 02:02:05.404909+00:00 406fa40! 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