Shikamaru en tant que membre du clan Nara, possède des techniques à base d'ombre (Kage no jutsu), mais sa vraie puissance vient de ses incroyables talents de tacticien, lui permettant d'élaborer des plans ingénieux très rapidement. Along with this, Asuma was also responsible for training the current generation of the famed Ino–Shika–Chō trio who are the future leaders of their respective clans as well as completing the all-important ceremony concerning the three clans and the Sarutobi. He was also the leader of Team 10 which consists of Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, and Chōji Akimichi. Il accomplit au total 39 missions officielles : Sa phrase favorite est « C'est d'un ennui » (. On retrouva Shikamaru au début de la seconde partie en compagnie de Temari. Informed by Dan of their current situation, he stated that he had an ominous feeling of what was to come. The truth of their relationship was then made clear when Kurenai revealed that she was pregnant with Asuma's child. This created an opportunity for Asuma to use his Wind Release: Dust Cloud Technique, however, Ino managed to push Chōji out of the path of the attack. Ils mirent en place la stratégie Ino-Shika-Chô. About seven years before the start of the series, he had a disagreement with his father and left Konoha to pursue his personal interests. Le public et les ninjas présents lors de l'épreuve furent alors tous impressionnés par les capacités du jeune homme. [3] His abilities earned him a position into the Twelve Guardian Ninja — an elite hand-picked team which served to protect the Land of Fire's daimyō — a role which later earned him a bounty of 35,000,000 ryō. Hidan assumed a Grim Reaper-like form, causing any bodily damage to himself to be shared with Asuma, while at the same time not hindering himself at all. supérieur à 200. je vient sur cette section pour parler du super combat que vient de mener Shika et quesque je voit : même pas un topic sur le meilleur perso de Naruto . He also wore a sash that had the kanji for "Fire" (火) marked on it around his waist, a pair of black bangles, and bandages wrapped around the arms of his sleeves. Observing Chōji's new found confidence and metamorphosis, Asuma happily encouraged them to defeat him. He is a member of Team Asuma, teamed with Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi under Asuma … How troublesome. Asuma and Shikamaru often played shōgi or Go in their free time, though Asuma was never able to beat Shikamaru. Shikamaru et le reste des 11 de Konoha restèrent pour préparer le plan. To further emphasise his personality, Shikamaru is regularly seen with a lazy or irritated expression. In Naruto ShippÅ«den: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, Asuma displayed the ability to use Water Release. Asuma confessed that he'd always been detached from Konoha, but after seeing how his father sacrificed himself for the village, he was now proud to be a member of the Sarutobi clan. S'apercevant que la cible de celui-ci était le Benihisago, Shikamaru le retint avec la Manipulation des Ombres et en déduisit qu'il cherchait à s'emparer de la puissance de Kyûbi détenue par les Frères d'Or et d'Argent. Ultimately, Naruto is able to stop Sora by releasing the nine tails' chakra sealed inside him. Asuma Nara. These knives are made of a special metal that is capable of easily being infused with chakra. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Later, just as Shikamaru had run out of options, and the nine Oto-nin were about to finish him off, Asuma appeared and single-handedly defeated the group saving his student. Malgré qu'ils se soient qualifiés comme étant la pire équipe après celle de Naruto, la team Asuma passe à la suite de l'examen. [15] It was Asuma who first discovered that the lazy Shikamaru was actually a genius, with an I.Q. With some quick thinking by Shikamaru who managed to break Hidan's ritual and pin him down, Asuma was able to decapitate him with his chakra-extended trench knives. When the invaders didn't succeed, Sora having came to his senses, departed from Konoha. He has shoulder length black hair tied in a spiky ponytail and narrow brown eyes. Comme tous les autres ninja de l'Alliance Shinobi, Shikamaru intégra l'armée des forces d'opposition à Madara Uchiwa. Bien qu'ayant au départ opté pour une formation serrée, très vite les membres du groupe de Konoha se virent séparés pour combattre individuellement les ninjas d'Oto. Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, and Choji Akimichi vs Sarutobi Asuma. Toutefois, avec les informations qu'il a obtenues, et qu'ont obtenues de leur côté Shizune, suite à l'autopsie d'un des Pain tué par Jiraya, et Inoichi Yamanaka avec la fouille mentale faite sur l'un des agents de Pain, il découvre que les Pains sont contrôlés par un seul individu qui doit forcément se trouver en hauteur dans un endroit proche. Asuma left behind lover Kurenai YÅ«hi whom he fathered a child with. He would mainly combine it with his trench knives to increase their lethality. Although hesitant, Shikamaru and Ino are able to fight regardless of their reluctance to harm their teacher, but Chōji could not bring himself to attack his beloved teacher. Mais une fois qu'il se transperça le cœur, à son grand étonnement, Shikamaru qui avait feinté sa mort, l'attaqua. Shikamaru fut au final le seul à réussir l'examen et à obtenir le grade de chûnin. Studio Pierrot's Settei sheets of Asuma show that he was 126 cm when enrolling in the Academy and 150 cm around the time of the Kannabi Bridge incident. Im Shikamaru and this is a drag but I'm part of The Ino-Shika-Cho and Team Asuma ~Single Dans l'omake de fin de l'épisode 75 de Naruto Shippuden, Shikamaru explique à Asuma que la série va changer de nom pour finalement s'appeler Shikamaru Shippuden. D'ailleurs, loin de vouloir devenir, comme ses petits camarades, Hokage ou le « meilleur ninja du village », Shikamaru a des aspirations très simples pour sa vie future : une femme ni trop moche ni trop canon, deux enfants, un garçon et une fille et un peu de temps pour jouer au shôgi. Il possédait en réalité plusieurs cœurs. Chiriku fut tué peu après par Hidan et Kakuzu de l'Akatsuki, afin de recueillir la prime sur sa tête. Afterwards, Asuma was seen playing shōgi with Shikamaru. Malgré ce naturel fainéant, Shikamaru fera preuve d'initiative et de compétences de meneur d'homme. Grâce à leur redoutable travail d'équipe Ino-Shika-Chô, parvinrent à emprisonner Kinkaku dans le Kohaku no Jôhei. According to Asuma, Shikamaru has the mind of a great General. With the three members of Furido's 4-Man Team killed, the leader, Furido, remained. He also had his trench knives with him at that point.[8]. Asuma questionna ensuite Shikamaru sur l'identité du « Roi », et ce dernier répondit qu'il devait s'agir du Hokage. Ils se rendirent d'abord au temple voir les moines survivants pour obtenir des informations sur les membres de l'Akatsuki. [20] He established a great record in military prowess — something many upcoming shinobi greatly admired. [5] He later cheered on his classmates during the third round of the ChÅ«nin Exams.[6]. During the first phase, Shikamaru had already figured out the true purpose of the written exam and was glad that Ino had figured it out as well … Main article: Twelve Guardian Ninja Il y déposa alors les cigarettes d'Asuma, signe que sa mission était accomplie et qu'il n'avait plus besoin de les fumer. Toutefois, Asuma réussit à l'arrêter et le tua. Durant la période qui fut laissée aux aspirants chûnin avant l'épreuve finale, Shikamaru alla rendre visite à Chôji hospitalisé suite à une indigestion. In preparation for the Fourth Shinobi World War, Asuma was reincarnated by Kabuto Yakushi to fight against the Allied Shinobi Forces. Out of his students, Asuma spent the most time with and was closest to Shikamaru. He was a heavy smoker, but, despite this, he would abruptly break the habit under certain circumstances, such as when his father died[11] or learned that Kurenai was pregnant. [3] His battle style revolved mainly around taijutsu, combined with his special trench knives to create a melee-type fighting style. About twelve years after the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's Attack, seeing his classmate fall into deeper self-pity from losing Obito Uchiha and Rin Nohara, Asuma, along with Might Guy and Kurenai decided to speak with the Third Hokage, voicing their disapproval of Kakashi being in Anbu with such bitterness and suggested instead that he be re-assigned as a jōnin sensei in the hopes of restoring Kakashi's kindness.[10]. (. Shikamaru est dans une équipe composée de Asuma, Kotetsu et Izumo afin de traquer les deux membres de l'Akatsuki soupçonnés. After Shikamaru confronted Naruto about the ramifications of his seeming recklessness, Asuma's ghost told him to stay put as Naruto was simply following his Will of Fire, following Naruto and convincing Shikamaru to help him. EX 3, Naruto ShippÅ«den: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! Asuma was a tall man, with brown eyes, olive skin, short black spiky hair, and a beard. [8] During this time he developed a strong friendship with the monk Chiriku, who would go on to become the head monk of the Fire Temple. Lorsqu'il apprit que le nouveau Hokage du village était une femme, Shikamaru fut pris de désespoir. Son paternel sourit en disant qu'il était encore un peu trop jeune pour protéger le roi. Shikamaru fut alors témoin de l'invocation du Gedô Mazô par Tobi. Shikamaru Nara is a shinobi of Konohagakure's Nara Clan.Though lazy by nature, Shikamaru has a rare intellect that consistently allows him to prevail in combat. Tsunade voulut les en empêcher, mais Kakashi proposa de se joindre à leur équipe et elle céda. Après la mort d'Asuma, Shikamaru prit temporairement l'habitude de fumer d'Asuma. Les voyant tous les deux, Naruto leur demanda s'ils sortaient ensemble, mais Temari répondit par la négative. Ses aliments préférés sont le maquereau et les algues et ce qu'il n'aime pas, ce sont les œufs durs. Très vite, après avoir retrouvé les deux membres de l'Akatsuki, et entamé le combat, l'équipe de Shikamaru se rendit compte que Hidan n'était pas le seul à être immortel. Bien que peu motivé, sachant qu'il était le plus apte de l'équipe à les ralentir, Shikamaru resta en retrait pour arrêter leurs poursuivants. Walaupun malas secara semula jadi, Shikamaru memiliki akal yang langka yang secara konsisten memungkinkannya untuk menang dalam pertempuran. Main article: In Naruto's Footsteps: The Friends' Paths He is a member of Team 10, a group of ninja consisting of himself, Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, and team leader Asuma Sarutobi. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. In the anime, Asuma and Kurenai were dispatched by Tsunade to bring the chÅ«nin criminal Mizuki in for questioning, regarding his suspected involvement with Orochimaru. Befitting his character, despite the fact that he starts stepping up to the plate and taking his duties more seriously, Shikamaru states that being the Hokage would simply be far too much responsibility for him. Shikamaru fait partie des personnages les plus populaires du manga Naruto. [25] He could also release a powerful stream of wind, and in the anime, use his wind-based chakra to levitate his trench knives and control them remotely. supérieur à 200. When Chōji, fearing the competition, contemplated forfeiting his match during the preliminaries of the ChÅ«nin Exam, Asuma convinced him not to by offering to take him out for "all you can eat" barbecue (yakiniku or Korean kalbi). Asuma decided to be the one to physically confront him and took him on in battle while Shikamaru backed him up from a distance with his shadows, keeping Hidan on his toes. Her name was chosen by Asuma in belief of protecting the future well-being of the children of the world. Son père eut beau lui dire que c'était une kunoichi exceptionnelle, pour le Nara, les femmes étaient toutes « capricieuses, calculatrices, manipulatrices, mièvres, collantes et cherchant sans cesse à manipuler les hommes ». Ils furent opposés aux ninjas du Son venus chercher Sasuke. Toutefois, comme le fit remarquer Temari, Gaara étant aussi le commandant général de toute l'armée, Shikamaru fut tacitement le général de cette Quatrième Division. A young Asuma, along with Shizune, Might Guy, and Kakashi Hatake, is seen waiting in a long line at the grand opening of Ramen Ichiraku. Malgré le faible niveau qu'ils affichaient, Shikamaru et son équipe parvinrent à passer la seconde épreuve et on les retrouva donc au moment de la troisième épreuve de sélection. Asuma bids farewell to his students, before being sealed. He was later mobilised alongside Hizashi HyÅ«ga and Dan Katō. Team 10 (第10班, Daijippan) is a group of Konohagakure ninja led by Asuma Sarutobi. Pendant l'attaque de Konoha alors qu'il poursuit, en compagnie de Naruto, Sakura et Pakkun, la Fratrie du Sable, des ninjas d'Oto les prennent en chasse. Message par ShikamonculHIHIHI » dim. Sep 12, 2017 - Explore luffy dragneel's board "team asuma", followed by 257 people on Pinterest. im shikamaru nara the lazy smart ninja in team 10, chÅ«nin-level shinobi of Ino–Shika–Chō, just like our fathers were before us. Asuma Sarutobi is a playable character in the following video games: In Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, Asuma is a support-only character. Nara Shikamaru/Sarutobi Asuma; Nara Shikamaru; Sarutobi Asuma; Teacher-Student Relationship; Alternate Universe - College/University; shikamaru is obviously of age. Later, after the second exam began, he, Kurenai and Guy received word from Tsunade to be on guard for potential assassins towards Gaara as many still rejected him as Kazekage.[29]. Au cimetière, il croisa Kurenaï qui lui dit qu'il devait être bien triste sans son partenaire de shôgi. He established a great record in military prowess — something many upcoming shinobi greatly admired. Asuma recognised some of the revived shinobi from the Twelve Guardian Ninja, who planned on using a powerful technique to destroy Konoha. His clothing consisted of the standard Konoha ninja uniform with the sleeves rolled up half way, flak jacket, regular shinobi sandals and forehead protector. À l'époque Chôji, plutôt rond et pataud était exclu des jeux des autres enfants. Click here to see him in the Epilogue . When Shikamaru couldn't convince the oth… Après le décès de Jiraya, Tsunade confia à Shikamaru la mission de décoder le dernier message que Jiraya avait laissé gravé sur le dos de la grenouille Fukasaku. Kakuzu finally stepped in as he admonished his partner for letting his guard down, and briefly attacked Asuma so he couldn't stop him from sewing Hidan's head back onto his body. Asuma and Chiriku while part of the Twelve Guardian Ninja. Asuma has . Shikamaru passait son temps libre à jouer au shôgi avec son maître. Asuma engages Kazuma in battle, and later with Sai's help, Asuma finished Kazuma off. Surprisingly, Hidan's severed head started to talk, uttering expletives at Asuma and then Kakuzu for not helping him. ; Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Ino has blonde hair, Shikamaru has black hair, and Choji has auburn hair. Asuma had completed 719 official missions in total: 111 D-rank, 193 C-rank, 217 B-rank, 178 A-rank, 20 S-rank. Shikamaru is the only child of Yoshino and Shikaku Nara. Alors Shika je suis fan mais depuit sont dernier combat (pas encore finit va y shika enchaine ). Toutefois, le soir en rentrant chez lui, alors qu'il jouait au shôgi contre son père et lui expliqua qui était le roi, il se fit battre par ce dernier. Before dying, Asuma left some parting words with his students, and smoked one last cigarette.[30]. 1.908 m
6.26 ft
75.118 in
, In Naruto's Footsteps: The Friends' Paths, Naruto ShippÅ«den the Movie: The Will of Fire, Naruto ShippÅ«den the Movie: The Lost Tower. Asuma was born to Biwako and Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage. Prior to Chōji's setting out with the squad assembled by Shikamaru to track down the renegade Sasuke Uchiha and the Sound Four, Asuma berated him for eating so much and not training enough. Outnumbered, the two were beaten unconscious and later found by Naruto who rushed them to the hospital for medical treatment. Les responsabilités qui lui incombent du fait de ses succès lui provoquent fréquemment de l'ennui, mais il les accepte volontiers pour ainsi être au service de ses coéquipiers de l'Équipe Asuma et pour prouver sa valeur aux générations passés et futures. Afin que chacun puisse se retrouver, ils balisèrent toutefois le chemin. Dia lalu mencari anggota tim lainnya yang kesemuanya genin. カマル ... Ketika shikamaru akan dibunuh, Asuma datang menyelamatkan nyawanya dan membunuh semua musuh dalam sekejap. Cependant, on peut noter que dans la seconde partie de la série, il ne s'est battu pour l'instant que contre des hommes. Asuma Sarutobi (猿飛アスマ Sarutobi Asuma) was a jōnin of Konohagakure's Sarutobi clan and a former member of the Twelve Guardian Ninja. he's like 20-something in this au; Summary. we do S4S but delete after 12 hours! This child he views as his "king" whom he asked his student Shikamaru to protect with his dying breath and years later his daughter would follow the footsteps of him and Asuma's father. Dans Shikamaru Hiden, Shikamaru est montré, même s'il est incapable de rivaliser offensivement, avoir au moins les aptitudes pour se défendre lui-même, utilisant tous ses sens même plongé dans le noir complet et peut de ce fait éviter l'attaque d'un adversaire. Prior to returning to Konoha to resume active military duty, he accumulated a bounty of 35 million ryō on the black market, something he seemed to be particularly proud of since it was a testament of his skill, even bragging that his bounty was 5 million more than Chiriku. Shikamaru se portera volontaire pour retarder l'ennemi. Ils lancèrent un sort de sommeil sur le stade où avait lieu l'examen. [9] After returning to the village, Asuma resumed his jōnin duties and became a teacher of Inomatsu and presumably some more students. This was seen most with Chōji, who Asuma was frequently able to entice into action with the promise of food and even Shikamaru whom he had to use games like shōgi on to assess his skill level. Read Part Two: Saving Shikamaru from the story Team Asuma A Shikamaru Nara Naruto Fanfic by Ana6318 (Anabelle Mae) with 1,599 reads. Durant le combat, grâce à son intellect, Shikamaru força Temari à calculer sans cesse l'influence du soleil sur l'ombre. Cette responsabilité sera une fois de plus accrue au cours de la seconde partie suite au décès de son sensei qui lui a confié la garde du « Roi ». Shikamaru est membre de la team Asuma, avec Ino et Chôji. Ces résultats scolaires ne valent pas mieux que ce de Naruto, et la plupart du temps lors des examens, il s'endormait avant même d'avoir commencé à écrire. Shikamaru is … Asuma was a highly talented, well respected jōnin of village, gaining praise from Shikaku Nara of being a great shinobi who is not easy to take down. A (sex)glimpse of my AU where Shikamaru is studying criminology and law. Toutefois, pour cela, ils voulurent l'accord des autres anciens membres de l'équipe de Sasuke, Sakura et Naruto. Name: Shikamaru Nara Pengejaran Sasuke Setelah keributan selesai, sebagai chuunin yang baru dia diangkat menjadi ketua tim untuk memburu rombongan sasuke yang menuju persembunyian orochimaru. During the Konoha Crush, Shikamaru was left by himself to defend against a group of invading Oto-nin. Il changera quelque peu d'opinion lorsque Temari lui sauvera la vie. Lui et les autres membres de l'Équipe 10, Ino Yamanaka et Chôji Akimichi furent inscrits à l'examen par leur sensei Asuma Sarutobi, malgré l'apparente faiblesse de cette équipe. Shikamaru Nara. Quickly after being summoned, Asuma's coffin vanished, leading Kabuto to question whether the Impure World Reincarnation was still incomplete. The rest of Team 10 arrived as back-up, which, combined with a telepathic call from Pain, forced the Akatsuki duo to leave. im the son of shikamaru nara and ino 16 years old ^_^ single