In India, considerable work has been done on the Children’s Apperception Test by Uma Chowdary. Similarly, the unique characteristics of personality also do not permit classification into types. For example, it is possible that a person who has a high sense of humour may not give expression to it at a particular time. Eng 11A Jacob Seeliger Assessment: Analyzing Personal Essays RI.11-12.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. The organismic approach emphasises that human behaviour is always purposive, futuristic-oriented, goal-directed and looks for clear meanings in the environment and it is this last characteristic that draws it close to the phenomenological approach. But the problem involved here is that this is a time-consuming procedure. (b) The same ‘facts’ or ‘events’ are interpreted by each person differently. Added to cart For example, when one describes a person as an honest person or a good person, one is passing a judgement on that person’s behaviour with reference to certain standards or norms of behaviour. The first perspective is the biological perspective of personality. Behavioural measures are very useful where people cannot give verbal response to a questionnaire or a projective test. For example, some psychologists have defined the term personality as the sum total of all the characteristics of a person. Nature and Functions of Personality: 2. Muthaiah has developed a similar test. The type approach, though not primarily analytical looking for specific elements like traits was concerned with classifying persons into different types, based on certain broad and general patterns of behaviour, like extroversion and introversion. There is a good deal of agreement among most psychologists on these points. Projective tests assume that the inner aspect of personality, particularly the unconscious components, can be measured by requiring the individual to act upon, interpret, organise or manipulate certain unstructured stimulus situations. At the same time, it is the personality which also enables commonness of behaviour, sharing of perceptions, values, goals, etc. Anthropologists and psychologists have made significant contributions in this regard. b. psychoanalytic (Freudian) psychology. Skinner, with whose work on operant conditioning the reader is very familiar, tried to relate observable behaviour to observable environmental events. Welcome to! 2. Thus, objectivity, reliability and validity constitute the three essential attributes of personality questionnaires or inventories. These approaches, though they appear to be very adequate from the point of view of characteristics of human behaviour, suffer from vagueness and lack of clarity in contrast to the trait and type approaches. Some of them are black, some black and red, and the rest in different colours. Over the years, however, several psychologists have found it necessary to change this descriptive and static concept of personality. But serious doubts were cast on the validity of such measurement, when Freud pointed out that personality operates to a considerable extent at an unconscious level Individuals are not fully aware of their own motives and personality, thus, making it even more unlikely that an observer or rater can make valid assessments. Human rights are extremely important for the overall development of a country and individuals on a personal level. In this context Rotter propounded the concept of Locus of Control and classified people into externals and internals. ESSAY SERVICES; BIOGRAPHY WRITING SERVICES; LOGIN; MAKE ORDER; My account Order now Order Now. It is the total and overall description of a person. These blots were selected after trying out a number of variations. It exercises constraints and may provide push. In actual life, individual behavioural processes like learning, motivation, memory, etc. Essay on birds affected by climate change Short essay personality on human? In a way, they explain personality as a ‘sum total’ of habits. The outer environment gets differentiated into various regions like home, playground, school, etc. Some of these cards are to be used with males and females and some with children. 638 Primary Personality Traits. When we describe a person as an ‘anxious’ personality, the reference here is to the quality of anxiety which is found to be predominant in him. According to Freud, he believed that human development was fueled by inner forces (Essay UK, 2014). Every human being is unique. A pessimist on the other hand is a “prophet of doom”. This part of the enquiry involves finding out from the person whether one’s response was determined primarily by the colour black, red, yellow, etc. The type approach, looked for ‘broad, typical and characteristic patterns of behaviour to classify people.’. According to Murray the basic units of personality are ‘needs’. Trait theories focus on indentifying the characteristics we possess and the degree to which we possess them. Human resources personal statement for 800 score gmat essay Careful, systematic attention to the author. This is called reliability. The scenes are semi-structured and provide enough opportunity for the subject to respond freely according to one’s own inner conditions. Responses are, thus, classified in this manner. 7. Some psychologists like Eysenck are very critical of projective tests. Again, in many instances, a combination of techniques is employed. ‘Personality’ refers to the organised, consistent and general pattern of behaviour of a person across situations which helps us to understand his or her behaviour as an individual. Questionnaires and Personality Inventories: Essay # 14. In other words, each and every person has their own inner potential, and it just takes the right conditions to realize it. For example, cheerfulness, persuasiveness, alertness, humour, spontaneity and other individual attributes can be separately rated and summed up. Such an approach is called the structural approach to personality. Personality measurement, as a practice, has developed only during the past six decades though other psychological variables such as intelligence and aptitude were being measured even earlier. The personality of an ‘individual’ is a totality and not divisible into units. The four major approaches have been the trait approach, the dimensional approach, the type approach, and the factorial approach. The website claims that INFJs are idealistic, future-oriented, 1 Psychologists like Adomo, Fenkel Brunswick and others came out with the view that some individuals develop a type of personality called the authoritarian personality. Personality, according to this approach, is descriptive rather than explanatory, and static rather than dynamic. The study of the growth and development of the human personality is called . That being said, Freud linked everything with sex. It, thus, influences and determines the other behavioural processes. This paper explains how the views of human personality as holistic can explain maladjustment in the client, Allen, a 34-year-old male who experiences episodes of depression. While the ink blots essentially remain the same, variations have been introduced to enable administration of the test to a group of people, provision of multiple choice alternative responses from which the individual has to choose and also in techniques of interpretation. The relationship between human and nature can be described in different ways; it can be beautiful, cruel or at times puzzling. Trait theorists are primarily interested in the measurement of traits, which can be defined as habitual patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion. According to them personality is the dominant and controlling process by which people, driven by inner needs, adapt themselves to the environment. Childhood experiences play an important and determining role in the formation of personality. Article shared by: ADVERTISEMENTS: Introduction: Human rights are as old as human civilization; but their use and relevance have been well defined during the recent years. These relate to the nature and function of personality and have found agreement among psychologists. Need for the Concept of Personality: Essay # 3. But Skinner on the other hand would make a careful observation of the specific situations or environmental conditions under which such withdrawal behaviour occurs. This is a ‘spread effect’ and is known as halo error. Here, the term is used to describe the nature of his own response with no reference to his effect on the describer. The TAT is another test which is used extensively. Therefore, it is apparent that personalities can be changed through proper arrangement of environmental factors. The result is rigidity and even alienation from reality. As a result of this interaction between one’s self-actualizing tendency and others evaluation, gradually the individual develops a ‘self-regard’. Describe Your Personality (Essay Sample) August 31, 2017 by admin Essay Samples, Free Essay Samples. He further classified needs into ‘focal’ and ‘diffused’, ‘pro-active’ and ‘reactive’. It is based on Murray’s theory of personality. It is descriptive and explanatory. Each right plays a major role in the well-being of any human. However, it may be pointed out on the other hand, that the phenomenological approach has been very useful in pointing out the limitations of the classical, reductionistic and elementalistic orientations of the behaviouristic theories and to some extent even psychoanalysis. . The Human Personality essaysThe human personality takes many forms and actions. Rating, therefore, is a very complex and intricate process. In addition, a number of other criteria are also used. The actualization or full development of the self is the ultimate and basic driving force behind all human behaviour. The personality of an individual provides a frame of reference for the events occurring in the individual’s life. Fortunately, on this question also, one can find a considerable amount of agreement among psychologists. It has gathered more importance in the post-second-world war period, particularly after the United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) in 1948. In other words, what is it that personality is made up of? The behaviouristic approach basically holds the view that psychology should do away with concepts like mind, self, consciousness, etc. CUSTOMER AREA. TOS4. (iii) The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): This test, developed by Murray, is another outstanding projective test. As measurement practices improved, these helped to clarify many views regarding personality itself. These types are also sometimes referred to as closed or open. Personality has a structural and a functional component. The difference between the trait and type approaches, is that the latter was not concerned about analysis of the entire personality with identifiable elements and arriving at a universal catalogue of traits. On the other hand the boundary between the two gets differentiated. Personality is the main motivation of the human classification since it provides a chance for every individual to display a certain set of behaviors (Fittskirk & Shohov, 2003). Here, one can see that an individual behaves in a particular manner because his or her personality is of such a nature. For example, sudden changes and transformation of behaviour can scarcely be explained by this approach. We may, therefore, say that even though we may study individual processes like perception, learning, etc. What are the main differences among them? Psychology Essays - perspective on personality Free human personality Essays and Papers - 123helpme Personality of psychology paper Anson Wong - Academiaedu Psychology Essays - Developmental Psychology Personality psychology Essays and Research Papers Short Essay About Personality Psychology Essay Writing Guide for Psychology Students Simply Personality Psychology - GCSE … Some of the important projective tests have been described above. Rating procedures are very extensively employed but there are some common errors which may affect ratings. Those who subscribe to the cognitive behavioural approach claim that this approach is more helpful in predicting behaviour much more than the approaches based on psychodynamic concepts or disposition. Some psychologists have criticised these tests because the inference drawn from such tests leads to a lot of confusion and even subjectivity. Here is a compilation of essays on ‘Personality’ for class 9, 10, 11 and 12. Fortunately, however, as the gaps between the different theories are getting bridged, personality tests also are becoming issues of consensus and agreement. Murray’s Theory on Personality: Essay # 10. Many of us must have used this term quite often. Human personality should always be praised and no one should ever put anyone down for having a different personality. As new needs and motivations arise and also as experiences accumulate, the differentiation goes on. While lending consistency and organisation to behaviour, personality also lends a sense of uniqueness or ‘individuality’ to behaviour. Human Rights Essay 5 (600 words) Human rights are said to be incontrovertible rights that every person on earth is entitled to just because he/ she is a human being. It influences the behaviour of an individual. Thus, they explain personality in terms of what it contains rather than in terms what’ it is. The Rorschach Test till today remains one of the best developed projective tests and is widely used. This resulted in a discarding of the simple ‘sum-total’ concept of personality and postulation of certain schemes of organisation, and hierarchical order. The rater should have sufficient skill and practice in carrying it out. (e) The emphasis is on typical human characteristics like consciousness, self-awareness, creativity, the active ability to make decisions to deal with the environment etc. What do all the theories have in common? This self determines the modes and ways in which an individual perceives, organises and interprets the world around him. Thus ’empathy’ is a very important quality, for understanding the other person. However, … In addition to these, activities like finger painting and free drawing have also been employed for personality measurement. Books on child training and upbringing which are useful for adults have been brought out and have been found to be very useful. There are many psychological definitions which attempt to explain personality in terms of characteristics or typical qualities of an individual. It gives meaning and totality to behaviour. A variation of questionnaires is what is known as a situational test. UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEINGS - Article Example. These types of laws assume that people will do wrong and that their human personality is wrong. There are certain factors common to these. Certain factors and conditions like severe anxiety, stress, traumatic experiences, etc. Since the behavioural approach basically depends on conscious information given by individuals, in response to behavioural tasks such information may not be as “deep” as elicited by personality tests. Viewed in such a light, personality can be regarded as the way in which an individual achieves a balance and integration between inner conditions and outer demands in a consistent and unique manner ensuring stability, on the one hand and change and growth, on the other. The phenomenological approach to the study and explanation of personality can be traced to several roots. Other notable examples are the Word Association Test, The Human Figure Drawing Test, The Word Test, The Mosaic Test, The House Tree Person Test, etc. In conclusion, human personality is the essential character of a human being. The term is now used to refer to the consistent, general and unique way of functioning of a person. The trait approach and type approach belong to this category. The organismic approach is still rooted in a biological perspective, unlike the phenomenological approach which emphasises processes as different from activities, the latter being emphasised by the organismic approach. The phenomenological approach, lays emphasis on ‘wholism’ or ‘totalism’ and is critical of the classical approach of analysis and classification. When someone rapes another they are taking away their free will to do whatever they choose. Human personality is what makes a person distinctive, unique, and exceptional. The procedure of the test requires the person to look at each card and then write a story on the basis of one’s imagination. It may be seen that in all these instances the term personality is used as a descriptive or evaluative term. More recently, there has been a clear trend towards a more dynamic view of personality, even among these psychologists. Similar programmes of behaviour change and skill learning have also been developed for adults. The term personality is very commonly employed in advertisements or when people issue certificates or testimonials to others. The individual has to choose whichever he feels would be the best and true response. At the same time, the minimal amount of structuring helps in bringing out certain definite contents. According to Lewin, when a particular system in the inner person is activated, the individual’s activity moves from one region to another. The process of ‘self- development’ is also guided by the evaluation of others. In view of this, the term personality came to be used as one which explains behaviour rather than described behaviour. Similarly, Udai Pareek has also done considerable work on this test. Some of the famous questionnaires are – the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire developed by Cattell, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory developed by Hathaway, the California Personality Inventory etc.. Thus one may see the difference between an “optimist” and a “pessimist”. Comments (0) Add to wishlist Delete from wishlist. When we say that every individual has a personality it is natural to think of the basic characteristics of this personality which constantly influence the person’s behaviour. All of us must have come across the term personality. In life, humans rely on society to keep them in tact and instruct them on what to do. These programmes and suggestions are mostly based on principles of operant conditioning and modelling. After the original work of Rorschach, a number of refinements have been introduced by people like Beck, Rapaport, Harrower, Erichson and a few others. On other occasions, an unstructured questionnaire is preferred. Behaviouristic psychologists who have been primarily concerned with the learning and acquisition of behaviour have tended to look upon personality as a learnt phenomenon, the most general habit or response pattern of a person. Understanding human behavior as reflected upon within the psychology perspective, personality theories plays a very critical environment where it is much easy to understand human behavior through different perspectives. This difference between the two approaches can be understood, when one examines the backgrounds of the trait theorists and the type theorists. The personal essay is one of the most common types of writing assignment--and not only in freshman composition courses. When this privilege is taken away problems occur. Gordon Allport, defined it as “a dynamic organization, inside the person, of psychophysical systems … Essay # 1. It is assumed that all aspects of personality can be studied at the conscious or behavioural level. The term personality is very commonly employed in advertisements or when people issue certificates or testimonials to others. It is very useful when time is limited and a large number of people have to be assessed or when the personality score is only one of the many criteria to be taken into account. Further, this pattern or organisation extends across situations, with the result that every person behaves with a certain degree of consistency and at the same time behaves in a manner different from others. It's always interested me, and it didn't take me a lot of time to see that, in order to understand people better, I should start with understanding myself. They have suggested that a person’s behaviour as it is can be used to measure personality. Colour responses are called ‘C and form responses are called ‘F’. Even the rate at which a person gets conditioned in a conditioning experiment has been used as a behavioural measure of personality. Personality is the characteristics and traits that define a human being. In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding a group of young boys try to survive without society. While remaining stable, it is always possible that ‘personality’ can change and grow. In this connection, he employs what is known as functional analysis of behaviour. A global rating may be advantageous under such conditions because errors of such a type may affect the global rating only marginally. For example, a child does not have a very mark-able distinction between itself and the environment, but gradually this distinction ceases. This is ascertained for each response on each card. In psychology, the term personality is used to mean a hypothetical construct or an agency which explains the integration of different behavioural processes resulting in meaningful behaviour in such a way so as to make one person different from others. They should always be alert about the various factors in the environment, their own behaviour which can influence young people and see to it that the proper environment is provided. It is also argued that behavioural tasks are not very helpful in dealing with subtle cognitive variables. While the two approaches share many things in common, there are also differences. Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Google+ 0 Viber WhatsApp. There are two breaking points that can turn the task into a real challenge. This provides concrete yard-sticks and prevents impressionistic variations among /raters. Personality as a Descriptive Concept: Essay # 4. So far we have considered ratings and questionnaires as tools for measuring personality. The phenomenological approach has also come in for some criticism. People differ in their responses because the blots are vague and do not convey anything definite. may lead to the disorganization and disintegration of personality. c. humanistic psychology. In addition, measurement, description and even prediction has been made possible, though not with total accuracy. Questionnaires and projective tests try to study and measure personality by using verbal data. As a strong proponent of human psychology, I've always strived for knowing more about the inner world of people around me. If we take a look at the basic human rights, we see how there are right to life, the right to practice any religion, freedom of movement, freedom from movement and more. Here the material used is verbal. Content Guidelines 2. Wholistic and Organismic Approaches to Personality: Essay # 7. Describe Your Personality. [1] According to this perspective, traits are relatively stable over time, differ across individuals (e.g. Essay example informal, critical media analysis essay example. There are certain organising and integrating processes which help to combine and weave these individual processes into the behaviour of a person. In each picture one such situation is depicted and a blank space is left near the frustrated person. This approach tends to view personality as a growing, developing and unfolding process and it can never be completely developed. The psychologists who have been primarily concerned with studying the structure of personality have devoted their efforts in understanding, describing and measuring these various units of personality. (a) Perceptual organisation of a given stimulus; (d) Construction of certain situations from a given set of objects. There has been a fear expressed that laying too much emphasis on concepts like “self” may take us back to a soul psychology which was discarded long back. Both ratings and questionnaires measure personality on the basis of either observations by the rater or by the subject’s response. Some of the points which are commonly agreed upon are given below: 1. 9. Many employers, as well as graduate and professional schools, will ask you to submit a personal essay (sometimes called a personal statement) before even considering you for an interview.Being able to compose a coherent version of yourself in words is … Further, it is not possible to make a distinction between behaviour and personality. a. social psychology. One of the best known sentence completion tests was developed by Sacks. This is a very complicated task. In this discussion we will discuss how each person has a different personality and what features make up their personality. The study of personality is very important in the field of psychology because it aims to provide an account for individuality of human beings (Pervin and John, 1999). However, even though they are influenced by cultural, social and economic factors they are easy and useful instruments. About this essay More essays like this: Not sure what I'd do without @Kibin The essays in our library are intended to serve as content examples to inspire you as you write your own essay. For example, it was shown that people with a certain type of personality react in a characteristic manner to certain situations. The above characteristics, to a large extent, describe the essential nature of ‘personality’. Thus, if items measuring intelligence are put into these questionnaires, to that extent, we will be measuring intelligence and not personality. For ensuring a normal life there should be definite distinction between the inner person region and outer environmental region, failing which self-object relationship cannot be established. According to this view the term ‘personality’ is nothing but the totality of all the learnt behavioural patterns in an individual. Freud saw all human behavior motivated by our libido. Questionnaires and inventories have been found to be useful instruments, but there are some disadvantages too. People have the right to do whatever they please whether it is moral or not and they deserve the consequences of their actions. Severe injuries to the brain, prolonged illnesses, infections, etc. It is assumed that while being engaged in the above activities a person reveals one’s constant and stable styles of behaviour and also one’s needs. are analysed. Essentially it is a test of personality-structure measuring dimensions like intellectual control, emotionality, etc. (c) What are the events and developments that have led to the present situation? A response based on the total blot is called ‘W. For example, a young man is wearing his best suit and going for an interview. Personality defined who you will become, who you are and who you have been throughout the years of. This is called objectivity. Therefore, in recent years, perceptual activities, learning activities, etc. these alone, individually or taken together, cannot help us to understand, interpret or predict the behaviour of a person. Positive Traits (234 = 37%) Accessible; Active; Adaptable; Admirable; Adventurous; Agreeable; Alert; Allocentric; Amiable; Anticipative I was also able to learn much more about the career that I may be pursuing in the future, as well as the people in the field similar to it. The biological perspective is strongly based on other scientific fields in laboratory or clinical conditions such as biology and biochemistry. By the term ‘phenomenal’ he means psychological or perceived space. ‘Psychogenic’ needs, the former being basically phenomenological and physiological in nature and the latter psychological. These remarks are analysed and on the basis of that, the frustration tolerance is analysed. The above mentioned points are the three major dimensions for analysis. According to Lewin, we cannot make a categorical distinction between personality and behaviour. Their use also requires a lot of skill and experience. It is not clear what uplifts and what degrades human personality because it is human nature to, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Beowulf Essay, Fate and Love in A Midsummer Night's Dream Essay. Kurt Lewin’s View on Personality: Essay # 9. Are well-trained in the past, advertently or inadvertently mentioned below: Subsequently a number of variations very test. For individual variations in the formation of personality special skill training programmes which have been throughout the years, activities... This, of course, appears to be similar to a large extent, principles techniques. Personality in terms of characteristics or typical qualities of an individual what ’ it is moral or and! That actually degrade someone ’ s predisposition to react in a certain way modem!, colour, body built, dress, voice, etc indicator of the psychologists. 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