Most people are able to go back to work within 10 days after their blepharoplasty, but certain tasks such as reading may be challenging due to blurred vision. The following article explain about recovery period from eyelid surgery. Exercise and strenuous activity should be limited for three to four weeks but most people can return to an office type position easily within two weeks. Thanks for reading our post and submitting your question. Sunglasses should still be worn outside to protect your eyes against harsh sunlight or wind. ©2020 Deschamps-braly clinic. In the first week, a patient wants to make sure that their eyes receive plenty of rest. The time taken to recover will depend on how well you look after yourself, avoiding exercise/strenuous activities alongside refraining from too much screen time. Assistant nurse at the regional hospital of the city of Kalmar. By two weeks after eyelid surgery, the majority of the bruising and swelling will resolve. The blepharoplasty eye surgery recovery blog. Your Recovery. For more information on blepharoplasty recovery, seek the advice of a professional. Assessing Your Eyelid Surgery Recovery Time. After eyelid surgery, you’ll have stitches in both lids that will remain for as long as a week. You may also experience some tenderness and bruising around the eyes resulting in a “black eyed” appearance. Generally, recovery from eyelid surgery takes several weeks. You can still be a great candidate for the procedure. In this first week there will be some puffiness or swelling around the eyes. Recovery, however, can be very different for patients who undergo a quad blepharoplasty (combination of both upper and lower). Both of these differ, so it is important to understand their differences. Do you have free consultations. I find that younger patients respond well to the surgery. The recovery time after having eyelid surgery will usually take no longer than fourteen to twenty-one days but it can take up to six months for you to see the finalized complete results. Most patients find that they can resume work and normal social activities in 7-10 days, and some find that they are able to leave the house for short, easy errands sooner than that. Using two firm pillows or a large wedge-shaped pillow is ideal. In a RealSelf Q&A , Dr. Kenneth Bermudez , a San Francisco plastic surgeon, suggests keeping your head elevated, using cold compresses, avoiding eye strain, and avoiding alcohol. They will begin to appear rejuvenated, younger, and refreshed — your patience rewarded with the positive benefits of the surgery and careful recovery period. She is quite the bookworm, so I will be sure to advise her not to pick up a book while in recovery. Recovery Milestones & Restrictions 2-3 days following surgery: Some patients may experience nausea or grogginess from the anesthesia utilized during the procedure. Recovery from eyelid surgery generally takes several weeks. This is completely normal and part of the post op healing process, and should subside within 7-10 days. I am from Denmark, I am writing for a little advise, sorry for my bad english. Most surgeons will be glad to see you to assess what’s going on. again thanks for sharing. You can take showers from the neck down any time after your surgery. Privacy Policy Although the procedure is not major, patients will still need to take some time off from work. Here are our best tips for ensuring that your recovery goes as quickly as possible. At the same time, your caregiver may also fix a drooping eyelid (a condition called ptosis). It sure was nice to be made aware that it is only after ten days following the surgery will the person be able to return to their work and do normal daily activities. This is a normal part of the healing process which may last for a couple of weeks. More addition you can learn how long the recovery process may last and how to care for yourself during the recovery time. I agree that the above tips will help for a smooth blepharoplasty recovery and lower risks. Blepharoplasty may help you see better if you have extra skin blocking your eyesight. Try not to turn your head too much to either side and sleep on your back in a propped-up position. Any discomfort can be treated with over-the-counter pain relief such as Tylenol. Cannot think of a single thing which would make my visit more enjoyable – every detail is taken care of and done so very professionally – it seems that all employees involved in any type of patient contact are genuinely concerned, very patient oriented and, friendly!! Even though blepharoplasty recovery time is short, it is still important that you keep aware and fasten the recovery process yourself. But you have some authority of recovering fast. This is completely normal and part of the post op healing process, and should subside within 7-10 days. The recovery time is a little longer for lower lid surgery, with time off … Below, check out a general guide on what you should expect for your overall timeframe. Your vision will be blurry and your eyes may be covered in gauze so you will need to have someone to drive you, or alternatively, our office will organize someone to accompany you. Most patients are fully recovered and all restrictions are lifted. For more information on blepharoplasty recovery, seek the advice of a professional. You will likely be able to watch TV after a few days. Eat light and healthy foods and drink lots of water. Your eye may be watery, dry, sticky, itchy, or sensitive to light. He may also do other cosmetic surgeries, such as a face lift or eyebrow lift. However, it is important to realize that the process of recovering from blepharoplasty can vary from patient to patient. Most patients can begin wearing eye makeup and contact lenses. My aunt plans on going under a brow lift surgery to boost her confidence a little. Thanks for reading our post and submitting your question! He has numerous hospital affiliations in the Round Rock and greater Austin areas and is a member of the American Society of plastic Surgeons, American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, American College of Surgeons and Austin Smiles. I wanted to share this infographic with your community on how to prepare for eyelid surgery: This will include information about bandages, taking an antibiotic if prescribed, and the level and type of activity that is safe. In the first week, patients will want to make sure that their eyes receive plenty of rest. Your vision may be blurry for a few days. That said, two weeks is a generous amount of time for recovery from upper or lower eyelid surgery. Blepharoplasty Recovery. Blepharoplasty may help you see better if you have extra skin blocking your eyesight. There are several factors that can affect recovery including the patient’s pain tolerance, their general health, their body’s natural recovery response, and the surgical technique performed (i.e. Hey everyoneI have recently had a Blepharoplasty and documented my progress. The incisions around your eyes may be pink and quite visible, and your eyelids may feel numb for several days. As a rule, pain, vision impairment or lacrimation after upper blepharoplasty are absent, the rehabilitation period is from 7 to 14 days. What is the right age for eyelid surgery? Thanks for reading the post and your great question. Dr. McGee has been practicing plastic surgery for more than 18 years in all areas of the field, including cosmetic surgery and reconstructive breast and facial surgery. Many people express satisfaction with the results of blepharoplasty, such as a more rested and youthful appearance and more self-confidence. While sight becomes clearer, patients are still advised to try and avoid activities that dry out the eyes like extended reading or television watching. You may gently wash below your eyes with wipes or a soft … This post will seek to provide a basic understanding of the average blepharoplasty recovery timeline, as well as some tips to make your recovery faster and easier. Light stretches may be okay, but avoid putting your head below your heart and stay upright. Surgery on … Most patients look presentable after one week and quite good after two weeks. Your doctor will give you medicines to help with pain and discomfort. Thanks for pointing out how patients should stay away from watching T.V., reading, and other activities that could be straining the eyes. Is there any difference in terms of recovery for upper blepharoplasty vs lower blepharoplasty? In most cases, your eyelid surgery will be performed as an outpatient, so when your anesthesia wears off you will be able to return home or to your hotel room. After this time it is generally not at all noticeable that surgery has recently taken place. If you experience excessive tearing or dryness after eyelid surgery, your surgeon may recommend using eye drops or a wetting solution to help keep your eyes lubricated. Some individuals may continue to experience fatigue and notice that their eyes tire easily. In the first week, a patient wants to make sure that their eyes receive plenty of rest. A blepharoplasty is eyelid surgery. Ptosis is drooping of the protective fold. I advise patients to avoid heavy exercise for 4 weeks, but can go back to work after a week as long as they don't do any strenuous exercise or lifting at work. Dr. McGee is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery. Patients may also experience mild pain and discomfort which can be managed using prescribed medication. Always follow all post-procedure instructions provided by your surgeon. The results of eyelid surgery will be long-lasting. Do not participate in strenuous activities for at least three weeks. After about six weeks you will start to see the final result of your eyelid surgery. After the second week of surgery, the stitches are removed. Cheek Enhancement (Augmentation & Reduction), Adam’s Apple Reduction (Tracheal Shave), Ethno-Specific Facial Feminization Surgery, Forehead Reshaping (Contouring & Reduction), Cheek Enhancement: Augmentation and Reduction, Adam’s Apple Surgery – Augmentation via Natural Implant, Use ice and cold compresses – especially in first few days, Avoid wearing contacts for this first week but glasses are okay, Drink plenty of water and fluids, but avoid alcohol, Eat a light healthy food that is low in salt. Recovery is going to take between 10 - 14 days, so you’ll want to cancel your happy hour plans for the next week or two. Use an ice pack or cold compress to help address bruising/swelling. While recovery time will vary, there are a few things you can do to accelerate the healing process. Full blepharoplasty recovery time typically takes about 3 months but you can expect to get back to your normal routine after 2-3 weeks of healing. It's usually done in an outpatient facility. Take care to protect your delicate eyelid skin from too much sun … Avoid over-exertion by getting lots of rest throughout the day. Great ideas for quick recovery and to eliminate the risk after the surgery. Shipping, Eyelid Surgery Recovery: Tips + What To Expect, Eyelid Surgery Recovery Forum, Eyelid Surgery Recovery Recommended Shopping List, Great Blog Post On Recovery by Jade Capri,,, Patients may also begin to experience itching sensations at the incision sites. Hello, Your article is very helpful. Both vision blurring and pain is minimal, however some light bruising and swelling may remain. Returns Home » Plastic surgery » Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: pictures, recovery time, history Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: pictures, recovery time, history March 17, 2018 0 By Anastasia Prikhodko This post will seek to provide a basic understanding of the average blepharoplasty recovery timeline, as well as some tips to make your recovery faster and easier. Blepharoplasty removes skin and either adds or removes eyelid fat. Thanks for your great question! 4-6 weeks following surgery: Patients begin to see the final results of their procedure as most or all swelling and bruising dissipates. At this point you will start to see your eyes in a new light. However, it sounds like the concerns you describe are serious and we would recommend you visiting your surgeon for a post-op consultation. Your eyelids may feel tight and swollen. In fact, I just wrote a post on the subject here:, Amazing Tips for faster recovery. A brow lift is a slightly different procedure. In a few patients, this swelling and bruising can last for a longer period of time. Many patients may experience blurred vision and minor sight impairments. The redness and swelling occurring after the blepharoplasty procedure will fade with time. In this video I tell you all about my first week of recovery. Finally, after two to three weeks, most if not all bruising has generally cleared up, and the most involved period of eyelid surgery recovery has typically run its course. The answer will depend on the specific type of eyelid surgery you will undergo. Nausea can be minimized with medication if the patient has a history of this type of reaction. The incisions around your eyes may be pink and quite visible, and your eyelids may feel numb for several days. I’ll mention this to my mom because she is planning to undergo the eyelid surgery soon. However, the majority of people will be able to return to work within two weeks. Id say I was fully recovered within 4 weeks or so. Swelling and bruising around eyes can be reduce by keeping the head raised during the first few days of recovery period. Most people return to normal activities after seven to 10 days following blepharoplasty. What are the risks and complications of eyelid surgery? Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is an outpatient surgical procedure with most patients experiencing a relatively short and simple downtime. I hope you find it valuable enough to approve this comment! Full blepharoplasty recovery time typically takes about 3 months but you can expect to get back to your normal routine after 2-3 weeks of healing. 10 days after surgery: At this point most patients are able to return to work and normal daily activities like extended reading or TV watching. Patients who have undergone upper lid surgery will usually be able to go back after 7-10 days. Please give us a call at xx to set one up. Your eyes may also be watery, dry, and sensitive to light. Use eye drops or ointment as directed by your surgeon. Great tips and suggestions. This is usually 5 days after surgery. Contacts can safely be worn after this time. He may also do other cosmetic surgeries, such as a face lift or eyebrow lift. However I had the procedure and can honestly say recovery was not too bad. You and your caregiver will decide on a plan and set goals for the surgery. Very helpful post, I’m still considering a procedure. Avoid running, gym, swimming, or any strenuous exercise for at least the first 2 weeks. Attend all post-op appointments as scheduled by your provider. It may take two to three weeks before the bruising and swelling go away after eyelid surgery. It could be up to 24 days. Sometimes blepharoplasty also can improve your vision by providing a less obstructed field of view, once droopy eyelids are improved.. Blepharoplasty can remove excess skin, muscle and sometimes … Prepare for your recovery time. For some people, results of surgery may last a lifetime. Below, check out a general guide on what you should expect for your overall timeframe. Asthma in children: causes, symptoms and treatment. A good rule of thumb is typically around 1 week. We’ve been sharing this post with our patients and have heard great feedback! It can be performed on the upper eyelids to treat sagging skin that's unsightly or impairs vision, on the lower ones to remove bags and smooth out fine wrinklesor both. All rights reserved. Bandages are not normally necessary during the blepharoplasty recovery period, though dressings tend to be placed over the eyes to reduce swelling after the procedure. Since she wants to know how long she should set the leave with her company, I think this recovery restriction guide that you made will help. The procedure may be performed under local or general anesthesia. Length of blepharoplasty surgery recovery can vary from patient to patient. This gives you time to get back into your normal routine at your own pace and avoid any unnecessary stress. A good way to speed your recovery is to cover your primary responsibilities ahead of time. 1 week following surgery: Patients may have experienced continued bruising and swelling, however pain and discomfort should be minimal. Hi Simran, we do offer free consultations! I just had a lower eyelid operation 3 days ago. Scars from the surgical cuts may take months to fade. If you can take more time off we recommend it, but at least two weeks rest is ideal. I look like an egyptian from the ancient times, thank you. Answer: Recovery after blepharoplasty The honest truth is..that this depends on you. As with most facial plastic surgery, in these first 24 hours it’s important to avoid any excessive physical activity and take bed rest with head elevated while sleeping. However, even in the skillful hands of Dr. Steinsapir, lower eyelid surgery is cosmetic surgery on an extremely delicate and fragile part of the face, and while the final results will bring subtle changes that harmoniously blend with the natural balance of existing facial features, lower eyelid surgery entails certain risks and will necessitate recovery and down time. You may also want to use a lightweight cold compress such as an eye-shaped cooling pack, or frozen corn or peas in a clean and sterile plastic bag applied to the eyelids. Droopy eyelids are a major reason why some people consider eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) to remove and tighten excess eyelid skin for a more alert, youthful appearance.. All patients are encouraged to begin walking t… At this stage, some very mild residual swelling may still be visible as the delicate tissues and muscles around the eye adjust to the surgery. So should I anticipate not being able to see for the first couple days following the procedure? The time taken to recover will depend on how well you look after yourself, avoiding exercise/strenuous activities alongside refraining from too much screen time. The recovery time depends a lot on how you take care of yourself. Recovery time for eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) averages from one to two weeks. Patients should avoid rubbing or itching the eyelids until they are fully healed. Interview with Dr. Deschamps-Braly, Transgender Women’s Favourite Surgeon, upper or lower eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty), double eyelid surgery (AKA “Asian Blepharoplasty”), Eyelid Surgery and Double Eyelid Surgery (Asian Blepharoplasty), Eyelid surgery revision (Blepharoplasty correction). At the same time, your caregiver may also fix a drooping eyelid (a condition called ptosis). Are You a Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)? Cedar Park Texas Plastic Surgeon Doctors physician directory - Learn about eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) surgery cost, recovery time, complications, and risks. San Francisco, CA 94108. This would depend on the specific technique used in your procedure, so this is something you should talk to your surgeon about during your in-person consultation. If you have young children, you’ll likely need help with them. In short, they are always quite courteous and professional. Eyelid surgery is an outpatient treatment in the clinic or an overnight stay in a hospital. Avoid consuming alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or taking medications that are not cleared by your surgeon. Recovery time from blepharoplasty. Stitches are typically removed by your surgeon or are fully dissolved by the end of this period. While recovery does differ from patient to patient, the experience does not differ too dramatically between upper or lower blelparoplasty. Also check out my blog:, Great tips, we can confirm the accuracy of this article. This is especially important for a surgery like blepharoplasty , which is operating on your eyelids, which you cannot conceal should you want to keep your procedure a secret. Your surgeon will remove your eyelid stitches between 2-7 days after the surgery procedure. If you do go out during your recovery, it is important to wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from sun damage. The eyelid area is very fragile and bruises easily but the bruising usually resolves quite rapidly. Your eyes may also be watery, dry, and sensitive to light. Well, no one can exactly tell about the eyelid surgery healing time. Ideally, the cool gauze should be worn over the eyes off and on for three days post op. It’s a rare condition that may be persistent while not treatment. Eyelid surgery recovery & sun protection. You and your caregiver will decide on a plan and set goals for the surgery. Avoid contact sports until your surgeon gives you the all-clear. Depending on some variables it could be more or less. 2-3 days following surgery: Some patients may experience nausea or grogginess from the anesthesia utilized during the procedure. Was very useful, thanks for sharing the blog. How long after surgery can I travel by air? Wear dark sunglasses during this period particularly if you’re going outdoors. After two weeks you can start to wear light makeup and contact lenses again. The stitches in the upper lids will stay for 3-6 days. Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: pictures, recovery time, history. If the problem of the upper eyelids is caused by ptosis, the lowering of the eyebrows and forehead, the upper blepharoplasty, as a rule, is combined with the endoscopic forehead lift. Some recommended tips for reducing the swelling around your eyes include: You may also experience some double vision or blurriness a few days post op. Most people take 10 to 14 days to recover before returning to work. If the thought of all those “musts” is pressing the wrong buttons, we’re going to help soften the blow with 13 little gems about what to expect during your blepharoplasty recovery period. However strenuous activities should continue to be avoided. All rights reserved. Eyelid Surgery Recovery: Eye Care Follow your surgeon's preoperative instruction on how and when to clean your eyes and the area around them. Don’t take full showers until your surgeon tells you it’s safe to do so. Some of the post surgery pictures look gross, especially with the stitches. What to expect after eyelid surgery? Category Plastic surgery. What results should I expect after eyelid surgery? Most people get back to their normal activities in about 10-14 days after eyelid surgery, but you should be prepared to take time off to let your eyelids heal. It is difficult to give you the right advice since we are unable to assess you in person. However it is always important to discuss this with your surgeon prior to your procedure. Typically our patients take at least a week or two off of work. Find a good caregiver to help you during the first week. Do not wear contacts until cleared by your provider (glasses are fine). (Typically only 2 messages sent per month.). There is a general technique and a sling technique a doctor may perform. Generally, recovery from eyelid surgery takes several weeks. However, you’ll need to discuss your allergies with your surgeon in your in-office consultation to make sure your a good fit. There are many factor that influence recovery time following a blepharoplasty. The recovery takes about 14 days. Within two days to a week, the stitches will be removed. After surgery, your eyelid may feel tight and sore. Blepharoplasty Recovery Time When it comes to cosmetic surgery , one of the main concerns people have is how long it will take to heal. About The Author Anastasia Prikhodko. 2-3 weeks following surgery: Swelling and bruising around the eyes begins to fade away. Knowing your post op recovery timeline will help you to speed the healing process and get the best results. Depending on the procedure performed, gauze or protective bandages may need to be worn over the eyes. I was feeling great within 2-3 days post procedure. Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: pictures, recovery time, history. Readers Comments 5 So our recommendation: contact your surgeon and schedule an appointment to showcase those concerns. You must practice diligent sun protection and use darkly tinted sunglasses until the healing process is fully complete. In the first several days after having the surgery you can expect … If you are considering upper or lower eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty), or double eyelid surgery (AKA “Asian Blepharoplasty”), it is critical to understand the recovery process and how to look after yourself after surgery. 1. Upper blepharoplasty is less intense of a recovery than lower eyelid surgery, as blood pressure control, etc. Recovery Time After Eyelid Surgery blog. The eyes may feel tight, hot, or tender during this period. For others, droopy eyelids may recur.Bruising and swelling generally subside in 10 to 14 days, which may be when you feel comfortable going out in public again. The lower lids may or may not require stitches, depending on the technique used. I have allergic eyes i want upper blepharoplasty, can i be a best candidate for this treatment. After 10 … Also avoid bending or lifting — both of these movements increase blood flow to the eyes. Side effects include bruising, bleeding, and soreness. Patients can participate in more strenuous exercises and activities (except for contact sports). a patient who undergoes both upper and lower blepharoplasty may have a longer recovery period compared to patient who only undergoes lower blepharoplasty). Recovery time frame after eyelid surgery It is vitally important that you follow all post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon. Some patients may experience blurred vision and minor sight impairments while others suffer no impairments throughout recovery. After the second week of surgery, the stitches are removed. Is it normal that my eyes have change shape, The eyes are very tighten and the stitches are pulling the eyes down in the sides, i dosent look like my eyes at all, are there any change that they are going back to normal. However, the majority of people will be able to return to work within two weeks. postop is more critical after lower eyelid surgery. It is important to keep your eyelid clean and to avoid rubbing it. Learn about special offers, current clinical research studies, and more. ON AVERAGE, most patients are 90% back to … Well, no one can exactly tell about the eyelid surgery healing time. The most common side effects from lower eyelid surgery are bruising and minor swelling, but these are usually temporary and disappear quickly. ©2021 Westlake Dermatology®. During these first few weeks we recommend avoiding excessive screen time that may dry the eyes, such as computer or smartphone use, too much TV, or reading on an iPad. One can exactly tell about the eyelid surgery recovery can vary from patient to patient begin eye! Times, thank you surgeons will be able to return to work experience some tenderness and bruising dissipates consuming,. Of activity that is safe on what you should expect for your overall timeframe book while recovery... Tips, we can confirm the accuracy of this period particularly if you’re going outdoors sorry for my bad.! Sticky, itchy, or taking medications that are not cleared by your and. This point you will start to see the final results of their procedure most... 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