The InstrumentationTestRunner is the base test runner for Android tests. ⏩ No ads. // Log.d("ins OnChange/check of: ", "ydRB"); outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_yd); ydRB.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {, miRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. Since we have a relatively simple app, we’re going to have a relatively simple UI. Testing, Categories: Please review this Android UnitConverter App which has been designed using Strategy Pattern. Get in the habit of unit testing your code even for the simple projects. It’s the unit converter which also provides you the power to calculate at your finger tip. Follow these steps: Follow these steps: Open the layout file ( activity_main.xml ) in Android Studio and click the Design tab at the bottom of the editor window. Let’s set up a view to exper... April 04, 2020  Android Asset Studio. It contains 2000+ units in 90 categories. Engineering Maintainable Android Apps, which is a 4 week MOOC that shows by example various methods for engineering maintainable Android apps, including test-driven development methods and how to develop/run unit tests using JUnit and Robotium (or equivalent automated testing frameworks for Android), as well as how to successfully apply common Java/Android software patterns to improve … arrow_back Android Asset Studio Generic icon generator. After all, these are the best Android apps for unit conversion. That’s a tall order, especially since I’m using the latest and greatest Android Studio Canary. Fortunately, community members have stepped up. When the tests finish, the task does not stop. ... Android Studio’s Gradle build system adds libraries to your project as module dependencies. Unit Converter is an android application developed for cell phones and android tablets. You signed in with another tab or window. I made myself a promise a couple of months ago. super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == OUTPUT_VALUE_CHOICE) {. This is a great option if you just want cheap web hosting plus the option of consu... April 02, 2020  To … There are multiple instances when we need to convert some unit to another and vice versa. I ran into a few problems. So I wrote a unit test: It’s in among some 21 tests each with a few assertions to check. Language: Java IDE: Android Studio Simple project just to learn basics of Android programming. This tutorial will show you how to create a simple unit converter in Android (Java). Android Studio/IntelliJ. However, if you are writing Kotlin apps, you need to be on Canary as that is where all the good stuff is happening on a regular basis. This unit converter is the most intuitive and easy to use. Your unit and instrumented tests will now be using JUnit 5 as the test runner. default // Android uses density-independent pixels. It didn’t work out too well, so I had to delete it, write the spec and then the tests. That causes a proliferation of configurations (one for each class you run individually plus one for each package). See part 1 and part 2 for that coverage. ⏩ Copy / Paste functionality. While you are editing the app build.gradle, add the following to the android closure: Then change the Kotlin dependency to this: Clean and rebuild. Android Studio Canary is bleeding edge, so these things will happen. Additional weight and length units added.. For full details of this update checkout the news section. Using the same terminology here for conversions. (Don’t reduce the number of tests — always increase). Start writing the code, augmenting the tests where I feel it’s a good idea to catch edge cases. Unit and Currency Converter, our last recommendation, is a simple app that comes in a tidy UI and helps you convert angles, forces, area, volume, etc. Yep — that’s over 2 years ago. However, JUnit5 includes support for JDK 1.8. Unit Converter Ultimate: Free Android app (4.5 ★, 1,000,000+ downloads) → A simple and easy-to-use unit converter to handle any job you'll ever need. resultTV.setText(R.string.error_message); double result = convert(inputShowBu.getText().toString(), outputValue. default $ pi: 3.14159265! // Log.d("ins OnChange/check of: ", "mRB"); outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_m); mRB.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {, kmRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. I didn’t include any testing capabilities, so that is next on my agenda. A lot of people write their tests in Java (more on why in a moment), so you may want to write Java lambda expressions, as an example. Unit Conversion: The Unit transformation module is, for the most part, contains the Unit Conversion operations. I’ll use text nodes in this v..., "de.mannodermaus.gradle.plugins:android-junit5:1.0.32", "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$kotlin_version", Rounded corner panels and masks in SwiftUI, Add visual testing to your React app with Storybook, Unit Testing in Android Studio with Kotlin. • Currency conversion with over 30 currencies. // data.getStringExtra("return data"),Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); setConvertToTV(setApendix(returnedData)); public double convert(String inputPhysicalValue, String outputPhysicalValue, double inputValue) {. JUnit 4 works just fine, thank you. 2. outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_oz); lbRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. What happens when you only want a couple of corners rounded? First, there are at least four types of testing you need to do: Java / Android Studio : Simple app to convert weight, temperature and length physical values including metric and imperial scales. Now, edit your app build.gradle file. Ok, that’s good, but there are a lot of bad things. This is in large part due to the work of Marcel Schnelle, who wrote the plugin. The multi-unit conversion includes angle, area, energy, length, mass, number, power, pressure, Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, InputValue.class); startActivityForResult(intent, OUTPUT_VALUE_CHOICE); inputTE.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() {, public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) {, if(actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE ||, CRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {, public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) {. You have to restart the IDE. I can right-click on the unit test and run-debug and get the test results, set breakpoints, etc. For this, you need to dive into custom shapes and masks. So let’s develop a simple, yet fun filled Android utility application. Thus far, in my journey to produce a customized toolchain for my React development, I’ve covered a lot of ground. If you start a test for an Android application, the Android system kills any process of the application under test and then loads a new instance. The component takes an “isBusy” flag. Unit testing is something you should be running on a regular basis - a series of tests that test each component to ensure that the functionality is correct from the outside. outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_kg); OzRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. I love this feature. It will make you a better coder. Just like AWS, you can deploy a website directly to Azure Storage. outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_g); kgRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. setApendix(outputValue) + getString(; if (resultTV.getCurrentTextColor() != Color.BLACK) {, public String setApendix(String outputPhysicalValue) {. We’ll limit our application to just a single screen for simplicity. Some can’t be solved and some can. This app is for the conversion of one unit of physical quantity to anther equivalent unit; for example: conversion from degree Celsius to Kelvin or other equivalent units. outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_lb); protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {. Find the coding exercise you want to do and choose the task_ project folder. You can’t use dots or other special characters in the function name, but pretty much anything else goes. What are they waiting for over in Android Studio land? I also used this mini project to learn to design intuitive UI. if ((result >= 100000.0) || (result % 1 == 0.0)) formatString = "%,.1f"; else if (result >= 1000.0) formatString = "%,.2f"; else if ((result >= 10.0) || (result >= 1)) formatString = "%,.4f"; else if (result < 1.0) formatString = "%,.7f"; String resultString = getString(R.string.result_prefix) + " " +, String.format(Locale.UK, formatString, result) + " " +. convertTo + getString(R.string.convertToTV_apendix)). I want to deploy my service automatically and copy the web application to a web site on Azure. • Beautiful UI. If false, a different icon is displayed. Source on GitHub. Firstly, I wanted to switch to JUnit 5, which came out in 2016. This is also how it is reported. This unit converter will also be helpful for students studying in science or commerce stream. ⏩ Adding to favorite converters for quick access. 175. I’ve noticed that I regularly run out of memory (despite increases) when I am in the process of writing code with TDD (where I write the tests first then write the code and continually run the tests until all the tests pass). This test runner starts and loads the test methods. I know it has improved my coding ability. By the end of this post, we'll have a working app that will allow us to convert to and from various units of d I ran into a few problems. We'll be learning many things along the way like the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, Java Enums, and Spinners. If you look at any of the recent design trends on Dribbble or UPLabs, you will see plenty of rounded corners. Unit Converter is a simple, smart and elegant tool with Most of categories of units that are used in daily life. Add the following plugin at the top: Then remove the existing test implementations and add these ones instead: Finally, make sure you set up JDK 1.8. ... $ base-size: 16 px! outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_C); FRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {, KRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. User enter value and chooses desired physical value to convert to. 7 minute read. That’s a tall order, especially since I’m using the latest and greatest Android Studio Canary. // Convert dips to em, rem, or px result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_celsius); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_fahrenheit); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_kelvin); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_millimeters); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_centimeters); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_meters); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_kilometers); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_inch); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_foot); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_yard); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_mile); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_g); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_kg); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_ounce); result = getString(R.string.result_apendix_lb); public void setConvertToTV(String convertTo) {, String result = (getString(R.string.convertToTV_prefix) +. Despite these setbacks, I am now finding writing tests before the code is starting to be second nature and I have much more confidence in the code I am writing. Integration te... March 31, 2020  Unit and Currency Converter. After you import the first time, you can use Open an existing Android Studio project in the future. 3 minute read. My next app would be fully unit tested for the non-UI components and fully instrument-tested for the UI components. My next app would be fully unit tested for the non-UI components and fully instrument-tested for the UI components. I made myself a promise a couple of months ago. There is already a great option (the gh-pages module) for deploying to a site. Some can’t be solved and some can.Let’s start with a simple test. If you run all the tests, do it from the terminal with. Additional Info: This is my first Github repository as well as first Android Application.. everything fails! Unit Converter is a speedy, simple and capable instrument for changing over 75+ different classes and around 45,000 transformations. Unit Converter for Android supports the multi-unit conversion. Unit converter. JUnit 5 isn’t a big deal in Android development. Sit down and think and write a rough specification. The instructions are on his GitHub repository. Write the tests to exercise the specification. However, all the suggested remedies have failed me. Open the IDE and select Import project (Gradle, Eclipse ADT, etc.). Don’t let the problems with Android Studio prevent you from testing. Show grid file_download Download ZIP. A collection of tools to easily generate assets such as launcher icons for your Android app. Note how I can name the test something reasonable. // Log.d("ins OnChange/check of: ", "mmRB"); outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_mm); mmRB.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {, cmRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. Once Android Studio has been fully launched, go to File > New and Create a new Project and name it Currency Converter App or anything you want. App shortcut icon generator. User … Various people have suggested fixes for this on Stack Overflow. However, I am going to be running most of my services on Microsoft Azure. What’s more, it’s intended to help Android variants 2.1 to 4.2. that prevents code coverage from running within the UI. If you go over to the stop button, you may notice several tasks running — one for each test run you ran. You also get tagging, disabled tests, better exception testing, and much more. The Aevumsoft Unit Converter is both user-friendly and powerful. A unit conversion app or software is quite a necessity in our daily lives. Each project in Android Studio contains the AndroidManifest.xml file, component source-code files, and associated resource files. ⏩ 1200+ units. Tags: The issue I have is that I cannot figure out how to convert the unit in the drop down list from one spinner to another unit … It also has a beautiful and optimized UI. Run the tests from the command line — yay! An easy to use PHP unit conversion library. Run the tests again, potentially with debug to step through the code to see where I’ve been an idiot. Sample screen shot is shown below: (click image for the original size) First, our spinner will contain data from string array. GitHub is where the world builds software. ⏩ Simple and clear design. You can’t run all the tests in the app from the UI. My general process is: I wrote my first class (the data model for my app) before the tests and before I had thought about what I wanted to do with it. I tried to leave absolutely minimum work for the user and I if you still find something which could be done by the program, then I would like to know :) No know bugs. Repeat the last two steps as often as is required. Android Studio Canary has a bug (say it ain’t so!) // Log.d("inputPhysicalValue", inputPhysicalValue); // Log.d("outputPhysicalValue", outputPhysicalValue); // Log.d("inputValue", Double.toString(inputValue)); result = (5.0d / 9.0d) * (inputValue + 459.67); public void setRadioGroups(String PValue) {. If it is true, then one icon is displayed. Let’s start with a simple test. Let’s write a simple component to get started with testing. Double.parseDouble(inputTE.getText().toString())); String formatString = "%,.2f"; //safeguard format. Rundown of Converters included: 1. outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_K); mmRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. ... Unit converter Raw. Learn Android. In my last article, I started a React app from scratch, then integrated Parcel as the bundler, TypeScript for language support, SASS, ESLint for linting the code, and Stylelint for linting the style sheets. • Instant Conversion as you type. We need an EditText for the user to enter values in and another, immutable one to show the result of the conversion. private final int OUTPUT_VALUE_CHOICE = 1; protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {. 8. Click Next, … ⏩ Converter builder to create your own custom converters. • Convert to all units simultaneously. Provide your GitHub username and password. public class UnitConverter extends Activity implements OnClickListener, AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener { /** Called when the activity is first created. The assertion message is just unique to the assert so that I can find it in larger test suites. It’s definitely not a polished product yet. Here is how you get Android Studio (and your project) to use JUnit 5. I’ve been working on my UI developer skills recently (and I’ve done a few other posts about this as well). Paste the HTTPS path you obtained from GitHub in the previous step and click on [Clone]. Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub — the largest and most advanced development platform in … Creating Simple Unit Converter Using Spinner. The application comes handy for faster calculations. Platform Android Studio Google Play Jetpack Kotlin Docs News Language English Bahasa Indonesia Español – América Latina Português – Brasil 中文 – 简体 日本語 한국어 I’ve come to the point where I need to discuss testing, which is a complex area. For a good overview of the new features, see this article on inputShowBu = findViewById(; resultTV = findViewById(; convertToTV = findViewById(; temperatureRG = findViewById(; lenghtMetricRG = findViewById(; lenghtImperialRG = findViewById(; outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_F); setConvertToTV(getString(R.string.result_apendix_celsius)); inputShowBu.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {. Generate launcher and store listing icons for your app. Version 1.1 Released! Again, shutting down and restarting the IDE seems to be the only way to fix this. There still isn’t a standard way to just pick JUnit 5. By default, Android Studio organizes your project files based on the file type, and displays them within the Project: Android view in the left tool pane, as shown below. They don’t stop when you click Stop All either. Features: • Completely free. Android, May 03, 2020  I also used this mini project to learn to design intuitive UI. Unit Converter Description of some functions and terms Activity • Activity is a Java code that supports a screen or UI. Launcher icon generator. Via the instrumentation API it communicates with the Android system. Language: Java IDE: Android Studio Simple project just to learn basics of Android programming. The input value is chosen with button left of value inputbox and consequently, there is a possibility to chose output value depending if is chosen temperature, weight or length physical value. You can put the units in different orders for the ease of use and set the app to use different languages. It looks (and feels) like there is a major memory leak in the IDE functionality associated with testing. This is the Unit Converter App that has such a wide range of Unit conversion features with very simple and optimized user interface. That means you don’t get the nice IDE-driven pass/fail test with debug/run and breakpoints. // Log.d("ins OnChange/check of: ", "cmRB"); outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_cm); cmRB.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {, mRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. Back to App/github ↑ Project Summary. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. All these units and categories are conveniently accessible through an easy-to-use, professional user interface which has been optimized for both phones and tablets. Go to Android Studio and go to Menu / VCS / Checkout from Version Control / Git. I am trying to make a length converter app and my confusion is how do I get my work done to convert from one unit to another unit using two spinners and a calculate button? First, edit the top-level build.gradle file and add the following classpath (with the others): This is a plugin for JUnit5 that really aids in setup. ⏩ Advanced searching for units. Android Open Source - App github UnitConverter. 10 minute read. Android Studio has a built-in converter to help you convert a layout to ConstraintLayout. Microsoft Program Manager by day; Mobile Developer by night, May 12, 2018  // Log.d("ins OnChange/check of: ", "inRB"); outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_in); inRB.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {, ftRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. Add any GitHub library to Android Studio, using Maven, JCenter, and JitPack. // Log.d("ins OnChange/check of: ", "miRB"); outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_mi); miRB.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {, gRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. String returnedData = data.getStringExtra("return data"); // Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this. When you run a single package (or directory) worth of tests, the IDE generates a new configuration. 5 minute read. // Log.d("ins OnChange/check of: ", "ftRB"); outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_ft); ftRB.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {, ydRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. Unit Converter Tools and Languages Used The project is developed in Java Programming Language using the Android Studio Integrated Development Environment or IDE. In this post (split into two), we're going to build a unit converter app. Target: 1. Kotlin, // Log.d("ins OnChange/check of: ", "kmRB"); outputValue = getString(R.string.entryEdit_text_km); kmRB.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {, inRB.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {. This android based unit converter is not only perform unit conversion but more than that. 7 minute read. A Button that will all… Instead of an EditText, we could have used a TextView since they’re meant to be immutable, but for the sake of consistency in our app, we can easily force an EditText to be immutable and use it to only display values, not enter them. Using this android unit converter, you will able to convert various units like distance, temperatures, currencies various complex units of mathematics and science. What I'm proud of: the whole app is very user-friendly. I’ve got a class that looks this: This is a fairly simple model class, but I wanted to ensure that the updated property was automatically updated when I set the title. Clone with Git or checkout with SVN using the repository’s web address. temperatureRG.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); lenghtMetricRG.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); lenghtImperialRG.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); FRB.setEnabled(true); FRB.setChecked(true); // Log.d("case in setRadioGroups", PValue + " F"); CRB.setEnabled(true); CRB.setChecked(true); // Log.d("case in setRadioGroups", PValue + " K"); temperatureRG.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); lenghtMetricRG.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); lenghtImperialRG.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); inRB.setEnabled(true); inRB.setChecked(true); Log.d("inRB EN/che", String.valueOf(inRB.isEnabled() + " " + String.valueOf(inRB.isChecked()))); ftRB.setEnabled(true); ftRB.setChecked(true); mmRB.setEnabled(true); mmRB.setChecked(false); cmRB.setEnabled(true); cmRB.setChecked(false); mRB.setEnabled(false); mRB.setChecked(false); kmRB.setEnabled(true); kmRB.setChecked(false); ydRB.setEnabled(true); ydRB.setChecked(true); miRB.setEnabled(true); miRB.setChecked(true); mmRB.setEnabled(true); mmRB.setChecked(true); cmRB.setEnabled(true); cmRB.setChecked(true); mRB.setEnabled(true); mRB.setChecked(true); kmRB.setEnabled(true); kmRB.setChecked(true); OzRB.setEnabled(true); OzRB.setChecked(true); lbRB.setEnabled(true); lbRB.setChecked(true); kgRB.setEnabled(true); kgRB.setChecked(true); if (inputTE.getText().toString().equals("")) {. SwiftUI makes it simple to create rounded corners on all the corners - just add .cornerRadius(radius) as a modifier to the view. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Dear you, NT Converter - Unit Converter Premium app includes many advanced features: ⏩ 40+ unit converters. Learn how to use Github. I’ve got to the point with my template where I am thinking about deployment options. import; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {. Came out in 2016, we ’ re going to build a unit test it. It is true, then one icon is displayed convert some unit to another and vice versa arrow_back. Mvc ) pattern, Java Enums, and Spinners result of the recent trends. T get the nice IDE-driven pass/fail test with debug/run and breakpoints directly to Storage. R.String.Entryedit_Text_Kg ) ; string formatString = `` %,.2f '' ; //safeguard format 4.2... 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