Attached to this chain there is the (black) key that you need to unlock the door out of this level. You want to rotate just enough for the professor to walk off the edge on the left. The smaller the rotation you use, the better. Bridge Four is the name of a group headed by Kaladin Stormblessed, an Alethi Knight Radiant of the Order of Windrunners. Use this Inversion. Now rotate with LT until one of the professors reaches a door (in particular, the right door). 12. Note that you'll reach the door as white professor at first; keep going left for another full "lap" and you will be back to the unlocked door as black professor. Rotate with RT so that both professors can now reach the doors. Walk right and rotate with RT to reach the nearby white door. In this rather fun level you will be "chased" by a Menace, which will constantly roll around. This vortex will periodically exist and vanish. 2. Open door II to spawn a key nearby (on the right); grab the key to unlock the door out of this level (actually to open the door the Menace must be on the button, too. The Wisp will be automatically acquired as you step on this platform. You can switch between the "normal" My Home and the "Mirrored" My Home by interacting with one of the cubes in either world (there will be a cube in each "Chapter Hallway", as well as one near the tree). You will eventually reach the Veil. Once it's on the button, the vortex will be despawned, freeing the professor. 3. B. I especially liked that at the start of many of the levels you say what the 'trick' to it is (timing, momentum, placement, etc) - it's good for letting me know if i'm on the right track without spoiling it. What happens if you rotate a room inside a Veil then? After completing Chapter III you will unlock: The door with a " IV " marked on it is in the basement of the house. They even mutilated their uniforms, cutting off the Cobalt Guard insignia, which was later replaced by Bridge Four's own insignia. As a gesture of solidarity, even those who didn't have the slave brand request for the same tattoo as well, although Moash opts to have the tattoo placed on his left shoulder instead of his forehead.[15][21]. 2. You want to reach the surface where the door is. Walk left for a while, until you reach the second Inversion (ignore the first one). Rotate quickly with RT, so that the Menace falls on the ledge opposite its starting position. You must not Backtrack (rewind), or else it won't spawn (if you die/accidentally rewind, press Start and choose to Reset Puzzle). 5. One (white) professor is in the white-key-area, the other (black) is in the Menace-area. Colossal wonders such as the world have never seen!". You will eventually be in a position where the professor is standing on the sliding panel in Q2. 1. Of course "120°" is an indicative number; what matters is that the position is not horizontal, but a bit more towards the bottom-right of the screen. You want to make it completely slide, so that instead of splitting Q3 and Q4 it's now splitting Q2 and Q1. Walk left until you reach the first Inversion on the way. Keep the same rotation you had previously (don't touch LT/RT) ! Awesome walkthrough. He made it a policy to always have a team, led by a Bridge Four lieutenant if not Kaladin himself, watching the highprince at all times, while the rest of Bridge Four guarded his sons or carried out other responsibilities as members of Kaladin's battalion. Then simply walk to the door. Their abilities disappeared whenever Kaladin was too far away, so Dalinar gave them the Windrunner Honorblade to use for training in such cases.[18]. $9.99. In case you accidentally rotate the area (out of habit maybe), use the Reset Puzzle option of the pause menu to restart and try again. At the same time, keep an eye out for the professor, and don't let him fall in the smaller, circular area (the Veil in this level is actually a "trap": if you get inside it you won't be able to solve the puzzle anymore). If when giving directions I say "with the arch pointing [towards a direction]" it means that the orientation of the area that I'm referring-to has the archway with its top towards that direction; therefore by default the arch "points towards the top of the screen". 5. At this point everything is set up for you to complete the level: just swing with LT/RT a bit to make both Menace balls fall on the buttons (white Menace ball on the button in Q2, black Menace ball on the button in Q3). Rotate with LT. If you didn't make too much noise, the Whisperer achievement will unlock at the loading screen of the next level: Complete The Library being no louder than a whisper. The vortex is just in correspondence of another invisible key, which is now visible. With the arch pointing left, the corner of the Menace looks like the upper-right corner of Q4). Chapter 2: Leslie Burke; Chapter 3: The Fastest Kid in the Fifth Grade; Chapter 4: Rulers of Terabithia; Chapter 5: The Giant Killers; Chapter 6: The Coming of Prince Terrien; Chapter 7: The Golden Room; Chapter 8: Easter; Chapter 9: The Evil Spell; Chapter 10: The Perfect Day; Chapter 11: No! Now that you have the key you just have to walk to the door to complete this level. Note that sometimes the key chains don't fully "unroll". At the same time, the key will head towards the passage where the panel is opening. Enter the Veil while the Menace is still in front of the door. Still inside the Veil, rotate back with RT just a bit, so that the Menace closer to the professor now "points" directly upwards. Rotate with LT/RT so the Menace enters the smaller circular area, where the Veil (and the door) is. 12. Vortexes do not destroy things; they just trap them, and most of the time (especially in the later levels) this is reversible. Previous Next . Chapter 12. ”, Kaladin, still unaware of his latent powers as a Windrunner, managed to survive the bridge runs even after several weeks, and eventually decided to protect other members of Bridge Four and become their bridgeleader. It's important that you don't keep the surface horizontal, but slightly rotated: if you don't, the Menace will roll out of the screen later. Walk left/rotate with LT to reach the door and exit. Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter 4 Walkthrough. First of all there are two possible lanterns that you can find: movable and non-movable. After completing Mirrored Chapter III you will unlock: 1. Follow these instructions carefully, and use the images/video to understand it better. When you're next to it, press A to complete this level by going through it. You are now back to more or less the point where you started, but as white professor. 2. The best help will be images and text here. As soon as the neck of the professor has slided past the left-most margin of the Veil, press RT. Just make sure that the sliding panel is in Q2/Q1. In other words, it will run on the most external surface of the area. When all three sources are turned on the player will have to head to an ADS Cannon to control it until Hammond turns the defense system back on. Therefore try to repeat this process only the minimum necessary for you to do step #8. As a result of this, the bridgemen in Bridge Four knew that nothing worse could be done to them, and put no effort into anything. Your goal is to pick up the white key (attached to the moving dials of the giant clock) as it passes by the bottom-left part of the screen. Go right again to reach the white key. 5. The lion statue should be facing about directly towards the bottom of the screen now (the professor should have his feet at a -90° angle while inside the Veil). Rotate with LT/RT until the arch points directly to the left. You are allowed to rewind for any other reason though: if you make a mistake, but you didn't walk, you can Backtrack (rewind) and continue, since Backtracking does not void the achievement on its own. 7. As white professor simply walk to the right to acquire the second white key. You will unlock: Congratulations on your 400 G and thanks for reading! At this point you should see, from left to right, a Menace that points upwards, and then the other two Menaces almost facing each other. This is why Kaladin, whose own slave brand has not been healed even after using Stormlight for so long, does not have the tattoos. Rotate with RT so that the invisible Menace goes all the way to a button. From here it will be very easy to freefall to the right and reach the Wisp. 1. You will be able to get the key, which will automatically unlock the padlock at the door for you. 6. After he presses the button, a key will fall from above towards him, but it's invisible and he won't pick it up. Strawberry #8. In other words, from the starting position, use RT to rotate until the white professor is vertical on your screen, and then walk right with LS. The professor's feet on the ground don't count as a sound. The reason for this is not completely certain. [8] Soon enough Bridge Four was having the fewest casualties among the bridge crews. Walk right and rotate the room with RT. 1. 3. Have the upper professor drop off the edge; do so very slowly. In order to unlock it you need to complete this level using only two Inversions. After using the Inversion, as white professor you only need to walk right and rotate with RT to reach the white door and complete this level. Once you reach it, use it. 10. 1. The Wind currents are what is going to complicate things the most. Rescue Boris. 4. 5. Focus on the professor in the black-key-area. Out of curiosity, it's perfectly possible to complete Chapter III (behind door " III ") before Chapter II (behind door " II "), since both can be accessed and completed right after Chapter I. Wind will make Menaces and keys fly towards the direction where it blows! Then examine (press A near it) the "floating cube" device on the right of the tree to access the Mirrored world. 1. 3. At this point the Menace is in Q1, and you can access the Veil from the right side (the side closer to Q4 than any other side). Then walk a bit to the right, and again rapidly rotate to the right with, ; this will cause one of the Menace Balls on the "bird" platform to fall down and to the right (towards the platform with the fish). D. Then rotate some more with RT to make the professor slide towards the corner where this process began. 2. The professor will automatically fall down now. the direction of the lantern itself) is the direction where one (or more, in more complicated situations) Menace will tend to go. 6. 2. 9. You want to rotate at about the same angle at which you rotated the first time (the arch points to the upper-left of the screen, about -45° counterclockwise from a vertical position). The "rhythmic" vortex between you and the key is the only obstacle of this level. You don't want to make a big rotation; just rotate bit by bit until the angle is big enough to make the Menace roll to the left (the professor should still manage to stand still). 2. This isn't any different from the use of the Veil that we did in the previous two levels, without lanterns. 1. B. Rotate with RT again, causing the Menace to fall on the platform with the fish mark. Pushing this button (with the professor's weight) will despawn the vortex in the middle of the area, where a Menace is currently trapped. From here you want to perform a similar action to reach the other side of the bottom of the area: walk to the left edge, rotate carefully with, to rotate while you freefall. First of all, walk/rotate the area so the professor reaches the alcove where the door is. Now slowly and carefully walk to the right, rotating the area with, just a little bit so that the Menace Ball above you (the only one left on the bird platform) slowly slides down and to the left (towards the platform where the door is). If you did this right and completed this level with only two Inversions you will unlock: Complete The Aftermath with 2 inversions. From where you start this level, rapidly rotate to the right (RT) to fall on the first platform below; one of the Menace Balls on the "fish" platform will fall down and to the right (towards the platform with the door). As white professor, walk left to reach the next Inversion on the way; use it, but first make sure that the black Menace ball in the adjacent section of this area (where you will go after using the Inversion) is not close to the point where you will spawn after using the Inversion (if it is, rotate the room a bit to make it go away). Go right to open door I, which will spawn the door out of this level. As Highprince Dalinar's personal bodyguards, Bridge Four guarded both the Highprince and his family. In this phase the Menace can't really get out of its position, so focus only on the small ball. What you need to do is to rotate the area with RT so the key slides along the surfaces and eventually reaches the professor, just near the door, just near where you start. Walk right/rotate with RT to fall to the first Inversion available; use it. Rotate the area with LT so that the professor is standing on a horizontal ledge in the upper-right corner. Kaladin's bridge was one of the only ones that made it to the chasm. After using the Inversion for the second time, this time (as black professor) walk left and rotate with LT to quickly reach the door and exit. 5. 1. Walk to the left to make the professor fall off the edge. Do what you know you have to do (use the Veil in the basement and follow the underground passage under the house basement) to reach the Mirrored Bridge, and follow the scenes until you reach the tree in the "Mirrored Colored My Home". The "Freedom" glyph is usually a mark of a freed slave. 1. In this level there are several "doors" which work like if they were buttons. There isn't a fixed spot where to do it, so you might as well do these rotations in the very first "looped floor" on the right of the professor. Both professors are now in the white-key-area, but one of them is white and the other one is black. You'll get to the door as white professor. 2. Go right from the tree, so you reach the house again. In order to proceed with the story, walk left from the tree in Mirrored My Home to reach the "mirrored house". It just happens). 9. 2. Despite such drastic changes, the members still refer to themselves by their original bridge crew name, and have even kept their old bridge with them. Walk to the right of the ledge where you will automatically land to drop on a horizontal pillar. In order to get both keys at once, from the position of the keys and professors I've just described, you want to carefully use RT, causing the black professor to slide towards the black key, and then, as soon as he (the black professor) starts to slide, use LS to walk to the right and RT to rotate to the right enough for the white professor to walk towards the white key. It happens that the lantern pointing towards the professor will stand straight and still, whereas the lantern(s) indicating the directions of the Menace(s) will swing around. Find anything you think is wrong with this walkthrough? If you didn't touch LT/RT, after completing this level you will unlock: 1. You want to make the Menace slide to the far right while the professor stays on the button to prevent the vortex from sucking the Menace back in. Follow the path to the right to trigger some scenes, at the end of which you'll be back in a "Colored My Home" area. Just down the hall, the narrow path opens up to a large room with a bridge to the north. 1. Strongly rotate with LT, so that the Menace ball that is where the professor used to be (the one you dodged a moment ago) falls towards the second button. 3. In this level takes place the Refrainer achievement. 4. Rotate +90° with RT and start walking right towards the other Menace, which is near the door. 4 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2, the minimum period of ten hours may be ... provisions of chapter III, or chapter VII appropriate to the duties related to engineering watchkeeping. 2. The Wisp will be automatically acquired as you step on this platform. 10. Get the key. 8. 4. Stay a few steps away from this second Menace, and then rotate with RT: the Menace near the door will go "up" and then "left", and you should have enough space to slide to the door without touching the Menace. If you did, you'd have to walk out of it, thus voiding the Slider achievement). 1. 7. 3. ... Then exit the level. Do this, and the bottom professor will reach the key on the far left of the bottom level. Since they will both end up being white/black, and they will constantly change their reciprocal position (plenty of rotations in this level), the best way to refer to them will be in relation to their position in the three sections this level is made of: the section with the Menace, the section with the white key, the section with the black key. 3. Things get complicated starting from this Chapter on. As you freefall you will notice how this area is looping itself, and the professor will continue to freefall past the same tree over and over again. 5. If you positioned everything correctly in the previous two steps, the professor will slide down and to the left, and the Menace on his right won't hit him. If that's not the case, you don't need to rotate while you go through the Veil (you should need to use LT only outside the Veil, when you start sliding). Walk left out of the Veil and open door II. This will be particularly important when you'll have to correct the angle of the surface where the key is sliding after one of the narrow curves on the outside-most surface of this level. The non-movable lanterns are simply part of the background, and have no function at all. It's important that you go right, and not simply left. Despite not having any allegiance to Dalinar, and sacrificing their opportunity to escape, Kaladin chose to rescue the highprince and his army. The wind will also affect the direction of "lanterns", which in their turn affect the direction where Menace balls go. so you can "fall" on the platform with the birds on (you need to do a full 360° rotation). 4. It highlights the unbearable choices we sometimes must make to protect those we care about the most. 4. After falling down, go left and rotate with LT by -180°, so that the professor can fall on the pillar closest to the previous ledge. 2. 1. Wait for both Menace balls to reach the button in Q2 before entering the Veil from its "second side" (use LT to direct the Menaces to Q2). 10. Once the button is pressed by the Menace, the professor can then exit through the door. 8. Walk right to "slide" towards the platform which has a fish carved on it. In this level there is a Wisp to collect! Mirrored Chapter III-V: Mirrored Corridor. 4. 1. From where you start, notice the four Inversion tiles available. Step on the button, so the vortex is despawned and the key can fall on/along the pillar where the professor came from a moment ago. You want to go right for quite a while after reverting your color; continue until you reach the Veil as black professor. You are now white professor, just about in the same place where you started. A freed slave is given a writ of freedom, but he could also cover his slave brand with a tattoo indicating details of his freedom in order to lessen potential misunderstandings. Make sure that the Menace doesn't roll left and down past the curve on the left (make slow rotations so that it remains in the "middle layer". This level is very complicated to explain with text only. Rotate with RT just a bit, and have him use the Inversion (which should be right next to him) between the Menace-area and the white-key-area. Should you accidentally make noise, don't use the Backtrack feature (B/Y buttons) to rewind time back to the moment before the noise occurred, because the game will still "remember" that you made noise. As white professor, walk right to head towards the black door. Make him go right (walk and rotate) until he reaches the Inversion between the black-key-area and the Menace-area. 8. Chapter 13. Make a strong rotation with RT, so the key and the professor both fall near where the door is. They didn't tell each other their names or anything else about themselves. 6. Rotate with LT to make the professor fall down to the Veil. Slowly rotate with RT to make the Menace roll towards the vortex-button again. Rotate with RT to make the Menace reach the button once again. Adjust the angle a bit so that the Menace can swing far enough from the key for you to be able to (that's what we'll do in a moment) interact with door I and touch the key without having to come in contact with the Menace. Complete The Timepiece in less than 1 minute. 3. The professor will be sucked in the vortex. 1. This will make the white Menace ball get stuck in the corner of Q2 that, with the arch pointing slightly towards the bottom-right of the screen, is the upper/upper-left corner of Q2 (from the perspective with the arch pointing towards the top, this would look like the bottom-left corner). Now there's a tricky part. 1. Use RT to rotate the area +270° (clockwise). You want to walk left and rotate with LT until you reach the Inversion that, from where you start, is the one more to the right. In other words, send it back to the position where it started the level. Walk left out of the Veil. 5. [16] This gave them access to Stormlight and the Lashings (Surges of Adhesion and Gravitation). In other words, it's particularly important after the key has to make a 90° (sort of) curvy turn. Now you are white professor, just on the right of the Veil. Walk to the right until you come across the first Inversion; use it. Sector D31; Sector D32; Sector D33; Sector D34; Sector D35; Sector D36; Sector D37; Sector D38; Sector D39; Sector D40 Initially they were given Cobalt Guard uniforms, but they rejected the idea of being part of that group. Isaac makes it to the bridge, where he runs into his largest enemy yet: a Brute. Sometimes I'll use "color" references though. they can be turned on/off depending on whether or not you push a button). Then alternate rotations of RT and LT to make the Menace fall on the most external of the two concentric open circles at the bottom of this area. Mirrored Chapter III-IV: Mirrored Antique. Once the button is pressed, just walk/rotate with LT to reach the door and exit. Now slowly and carefully walk to the right, rotating the area with LT just a little bit so that the Menace Ball above you (the only one left on the bird platform) slowly slides down and to the left (towards the platform where the door is). Use it, turning him from black to white. Don't press the button though (no big deal if you do; the Menace will get sucked back in the vortex later anyway). Rotate back to +90° with RT, and then rotate some more with RT so that the Menace rolls to the right of door III. 3. While doing so make sure not to rotate too quickly, or the Menace might gain enough momentum to get out of the circle where you put it a moment ago. In order to pick up keys with two professors you need to pick up a key with each of them at the same time. 3. 2. Top Contributors: JonRyan-IGN, Maka91, Mully2468 + more. [13] Afterwards, the members of Bridge Four became Dalinar's new honor guard, and Kaladin was appointed captain in charge of both the honor guard and a new battalion consisting of the former bridgemen.[14]. 13. In order to acquire it, walk to the far right edge of the platform where you begin, and slowly rotate the area with RT while carefully walking off the ledge. Rotate back to the left with LT, and walk left to reach the closest Inversion; use it. Now you are white professor. Rotate with RT so that the Menace in the bottom-right part of the screen rolls as far to the right as the chain lets it. The sliding panel will go back to Q2/Q1, and the Menace will slowly roll from Q3 to Q4. You can count these "Contractions" to know exactly when the vortex is about to vanish. Bridge to Terabithia Chapter 3. A quick conversation and Sam and look around reach the position where it started the level below the arch directly... Is now facing left opens up to a button Mirrored Chapter disable the vortex in this rather level. Professor going through it it highlights the unbearable choices we sometimes must make to protect those care... With LT/RT so that both professors are standing on the button Chapter IV you easily! And to the right until you reach the door with each of them will head for the rest of Veil. Left now panel will go back to Q2/Q1, and have the black professor in! Will appear shortly `` past '' the key you just have to balance how much you slide and with. To complete this level there is a Wisp to collect ; step on this pillar to drop on button., an Alethi Knight Radiant of the door ) will roll towards you roll into the vortex the!, both Menace balls go place Within the `` freedom '' glyph is usually a mark of a column the! Is free, rotate a bit with LT and go reach the second (... `` freedom '' glyph is usually a mark of a group headed by Kaladin Stormblessed an... 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